Monday, December 19, 2022

Happy Hanukkah


Happy Hanukkah
Chag urim sameach

     It was especially wonderful to see the giant menorah erected in Kiev; it moved me to tears.
     You may temporarily have the upper hand Mr. Putin, but you will not succeed in repressing freedom and democracy. We will prevail.
Happy Hanukkah to all.

David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. Happy Hanukkah!!
    I am completely mesmerized by the first picture....

  2. Happy Hanukka David. We so need light in this world just now, I feel like we are surrounded by a lowering darkness.. I will think of you when I light my candles this evening! Hugs, Valerie xxxx

    1. I am happy knowing that, Valerie. It means a great deal to me.

  3. Happy Hanukkah, David! The photo of the Blue Jay is very beautiful.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

  4. A very happy Hanukkah to all who observe it. Peace be upon you.

  5. ...I find it interesting that many of the world's religions have a celebration where light is an important part. Never let your light go out.

    1. I think that light conquering darkness is fundamental to all religious belief, Tom.

  6. The jay illuminates this day David.
    He is fabulous
    Gros bisous

  7. Todos unidos, invocaremos por la paz. Es mi mayor deseo para el año en que próximamente vamos a entrar.
    La guerra solo trae sufrimiento y yo estoy de parte de las personas que sufren.

  8. Happy Hannukkah - and many more of them.
    My eyes also misted at the menorah in Kiev, a happy mist for a change.

    1. We are about to have dinner, Sue. We will light a candle for you and drink to your health. We love you.

  9. Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate.

    All the best Jan

  10. Happy Hanukkah to you and Miriam, David! Peace to you both!

  11. Espero que hayan pasado un día feliz. Abrazos y paz.

  12. It never occurred to me until you so largely illustrated, the blue jay and the menorah can look alike. Happy Hanukkah to you and Miriam, David.

  13. Happy Hanukkah to you and Miriam, David.

  14. Happy Chanoeka David.
    The blue jay is a beautiful bird, well photographed too.
    Greetings Irma

  15. Hi David and Miriam - wishing you a peaceful and blessed time ... I so agree re the Ukraine - lovely photos - thank you. Cheers Hilary

  16. Hi David.

    Happy Hanukkah David.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  17. Love and fairness and empathy will always prevail over greed and hate. Putins come and go and leave behind a history of hate.

  18. Slava Ukraini !
    Have a lovely day !

  19. Happy Hanukkah! I would like to see an end to Putin. Take care, have a great day!

  20. Feliz Navidad y un inmejorable Año Nuevo, que podamos seguir disfrutando de este hermoso planeta lleno de vida!!!! Un fuerte abrazo amigo mío.

  21. Happy Hanukkah to you David and Miriam. Tonight I will lit the third candle in my Chanukia wishing peace will come soon for all those people suffering from war and intolerance for wat they are.
    Warm regards from Belgium,

  22. The first photo has many interesting details.

  23. 🎄 Feliz Jánuca David y Miriam 🕊️ Que nunca nos falte la luz y podamos ver la paz en el mundo.
    Abrazos 🤗🤗〰〰💕

  24. Happy Hanukka to you and Miriam.

  25. Happy Hanukkah, Dear Ones. My heart always goes out to the brave people of Ukraine.


  26. Wasn't that wonderful to see?! I saw that image as well. Such strife around the world.

  27. Happy Hanukkah and peace to all. Cheers Diane

  28. Happy Holidays from Sharon's Souvenirs. And happy birding in 2023!

  29. Just one wish for this new year that we will launch soon, that the light of the menorah illuminates the dark consciences of the enemies of democracy. Happy Hanukkah David.

  30. Happy Hanukkah, David. Light shines in the darkness, and I was also happy to see the menorah in Kiev.

  31. Happy Hanukkah, David! I do not celebrate it but I have a friend who does. She has just had an operation and can't do much right now, so I went out and bought a jam doughnut for her at her request, and took it over so she could celebrate. After I had done so I realised she would probably like potato latkes too although she hadnt ask. I must enquire. (she also asked for some mince pies though so I am wondering if she is being that strict about it all... )

  32. I absolutely love your kingfisher header. I suppose you took motorized shots and combined them? beautiful!

    1. It's not our own image, Jenny, so I can't claim any credit. When the Fairy Blogmother redesigned my blog, she proposed this image, we liked it and it has been there ever since.

  33. Happy Hanukkah to you and all your loved ones too.

  34. Hola David un placer poder saludarte. Ojalá la luz ilumine el mundo y se acabe con tanta barbarie y sufrimiento. Un abrazo enorme para ti y para Míriam

  35. And a Happy Hanukkah to you as well! Hope all is well. Sorry about long silence! Do you want to catch up for a chat over the break? cheers SM

  36. Happy Hanukkah and all the best for you and your family in 2023!!....Abrazotes, Marcela

  37. Thank you and happy Hanukkah for Miriam and you.
    Best regards, Corrie

  38. Have a wonderful end to the holiday! I hope the Ukrainians also have a miraculous victory over the seemingly powerful tyrant. Zelensky as Judah Maccabee? why not?

    best… mae at

  39. Feliz día y mucha felicidad para Navidad y Año Nuevo, junto con la familia y los amigos.
    Un abrazo enorme, amigo David.

  40. Dear David!
    I still managed to wish you and Miriam.

    Hag Hanukkah sameach!

  41. Happy Hannukkah, David. I wish you and Myriam all the best!

  42. Happy Hanukkah to you and Miriam, David. May the festival of lights shine brightly on you and your family! I hadn't heard about the menorah lighting in Kiev until you mentioned it, so I googled it. Amazing! Yes, we will prevail.

  43. A belated Happy Hanukkah to you, David. Hard to believe I am lighting the last candle in less than 1/2 hour - this month has flown. The entire situation in Ukraine brings me to tears and I think of the largest menorah in Europe lighting the darkness and bringing hope to thousands. Alana

  44. La foto es maravillosa, Happy Hanukkah!!

  45. Hello David, it's too late to wish Happy Hanukkah this year but I wanted to leave my comment on this post because the lovely photo of a Blue Jay fits so wonderfully to this post (and the Cardinal of the following post is very Christmassy). Happy 2023 to you and yours! May it indeed bring victory for Ukraine... and more peace to the world.

  46. Happy Hanukkah to you too. As you probably know, the blue jays here in Oregon's Willamette Valley are divided between the homely scrub jay and the beautiful Stellar Jay, which, I suppose, either has or will be getting a new name soon.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
