Sunday, February 02, 2025

To My Fellow Canadians

There was never a more important time to stand up for Canada.

David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. ...I'd sign on to the Pledge for Canada too!

  2. The United States is absolutely blessed to have two good neighbors. Let's hope our alliance can withstand the assault of the ignoramus who a majority of voters unfortunately saw fit to entrust to be the head of the government.

  3. David, there is no reasonable explanation for what our buffoon leader has done to our most important neighbors and trading partners. Please know there are many of us who are distraught with the buffoon’s actions. I’ll sign on to the Pledge for Canada too! John, Seattle, WA, USA.

  4. I feel sorry for Canada, David.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

    1. We will get through it, Marit, but it is going to make life difficult.

  5. Never in my darkest dreams did I see our neighbour starting a war with us! I'm scared! I stand up for Canada by signing the Pledge!

  6. I grew to love my adopted country David but I certainly don’t love what is going on now. I listened to Prime Minister Trudeau’s speech last night and was impressed with his eloquence. I remember how Canada was always there to help us when needed during some very dire events in our history. I will never forget that. This whole business is atrocious and I know I am not alone in thinking this.

    1. Thanks for your support, Denise.

    2. I also wanted to add in both the elections I did not vote for him. I have had concerns for many years.

    3. Your revelation comes as no surprise, Denise. There must have been times when a return to England seemed like an attractive option.

  7. I'd sign the pledge for Canada too. Your country is a wonderful neighbor, and if it wasn't for that unspeakable man none of this would be needed. hugs-Erika

  8. Good luck to all in Canada. I signed but I don't know if it will count seeing as I live far away.

  9. It's just not normal what Trump does.
    He's a businessman and not worthy of a president.
    Greetings Irma

  10. Hari Om
    I do hope the petition gains many more than the target figure... I'm one, for sure, of a great number of non-Canadians who would subscribe to similar values and aims if we could but sign it. Our hearts and minds are with you. YAM xx

  11. Hi David - yes I do think of friends both north and south of that huge waist in the middle ... I've been thinking about a hippopotamus flaying - amuses me and takes my mind off other images - all the best to us all and particularly you and yours in Canada - cheers Hilary

  12. If I could I would sign this pledge, I read the entire pledge. I hope millions will sign this. I am shocked to my core at what is happening to our country. My apologies to all of you and I would stop this madness if I could

  13. Sorry to hear of such an useless war against US' neighbors. Actually, now US people, who voted for Trump, will understand the damage that comedian will cause to the whole Western economy.

    The US 25 % tariffs on all Canadian imports (except energy resources) is a violation of trade commitments. A young Canadian couple from Toronto, that I've just host, said that their country would challenge the 25% tariffs through international legal channels.
    I hope Canada's government will file a World Trade Organisation claim against US President Donald Trump's tariffs.

    I’ll sign on to the Pledge for Canada too!
    Giorgio, Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy

    1. The legalities of the situation, particularly international responsibilities and obligations, are of little to no concern to Trump.

  14. I did not vote for the man and I am not happy about all that is happening now.
    All out country's allies will end up hating us, except for the communist countries.
    Scary times ahead for the great USA.

    1. It disappoints me, Eileen, than in response to petition about your peaceful neighbour to the north, your friend when hostages were captured in Iran, a nation that sheltered and cared for countless Americans after 9/11, a nation that fought alongside you in Afghanistan……..and on and on, your concern is “for scary times ahead for the “great” USA.

    2. Eileen: Scary times for USA???? Even scarier times for everyone else.

    3. And the United States is not great, nor ever has been. It is strong and it is powerful, but it is not great.

  15. This should be for ALL your friends, or at least your American ones, too. We're standing up for Canada against our new and oppressive regime to the best that we can. And I can guarantee you that many Americans would do just about anything to be able to permanently emigrate to your country. I know of several, including us. This is a travesty.

    1. Thank you, Jeanie. Your support is valued and greatly appreciated.

  16. To my neighbors in the North, I apologize and stand with you. Your country means so much to me as my father spent much of his childhood there and spoke of its harsh beauty often.
    I visited as a youngster and as an adult and fell in love with your country over again.

    I cannot imagine what happens next, but I will support and love Canada.

    1. Thank you, Val. We appreciate your solidarity with us.

  17. I have signed, David. I agree, wholeheartedly, that this is the time when all Canadians must come together. Interestingly, I am seeing on Reddit, that many people who were quite divided are now coming together. A lot of it, the result of the speech that PMJT made the other night. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Dear David!
    I feel very sorry for Canada, that they have such a neighbor.
    I am Polish and yet, I stand up for Canada, signing the Pledge!
    40,144 signatures have already been collected
    I send you warm greetings:)

    1. Thank you so much, Lucja-Maria. International support is very important.

  19. Myh oh myh what is happening in the world😢I have to look on the news..

  20. I was browsing blogs (as you do!) and came across one where all the comments were the "God bless Trump" type of comment. I can't imaging why anyone in their right mind would follow such an evil vengeful man. Needless to say, I left a very different type of comment. Be brave, Canada, we are fighting back.

  21. It is terrible that a person like Trump has been allowed to run for president and that half of Americans have voted for him.
    We are all shocked, it is a danger to the world.
    I have already signed!
    Thanks David

    1. It’s going to be a very long time before the world forgives America for putting him back in office.

  22. I signed..This is going to affect us as well..Prices will soar ..we will pay the price for having this dictator at our helm...So sorry for Canada and Mexico.....and ashamed of our behavior...I will never understand it..You have my support ..❤️

  23. I am so sorry this is happening, David. For all of us. I just go day by day. The future frightens me. What is really scary, a healthy percentage of my countrymen don't even know what a tariff is.

    1. In a fair and democratic election the American electorate gave him a second term with all the levers of power. On one level it’s hard not to conclude that this is what the country wants. He never made any attempt to hide what he would do. He laid it all out pretty explicitly.

  24. I've been to many places in Canada and have always found the people to be kind and helpful. I stand with Canada.

  25. The opinions expressed by the present US president are not reflective of a majority of Americans. He's making a very BIG mistake.
    We will be vacationing in Quebec this summer and are looking forward to being there on Canada Day!

  26. I'd sign the pledge in a heartbeat, David. This country has become such a bad neighbor to a wonderful neighbor and ally, and just because of this one man and his uninformed supporters. I love my adopted country, but I am deeply embarrassed and furious what is happening now and that so many people could have voted for him (I'm pretty sure you know that I never voted for him). My husband and I watched the Canadian and Mexican news on Sunday and were very impressed with the responses. Canada is such a beautiful country with wonderful people - we visited often and always loved it so much. I stand with you, stay strong and never ever give up what Canada stands for. Big hugs - Carola

    1. Thank you, Carola. I have to tell you that many Canadians are loving your adopted country less and less.

  27. Mi apoyo total a Canadá. El actual presidente de EEUU está desvariando constantemente.
    Muchos besos.

  28. Replies ! Long live Canada !!!

  29. Good morning, David. I’m stopping by to view all the comments and replies. Please forgive me for another comment. I’m definitely an older human being and I can assure you I’m still learning something every day. I’ve come to realize there is a downside to democracy. Our Founding Fathers said they were creating a country “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.” I wonder if those Founding Fathers considered that in any “group of people” each individual can be placed on the bell curve of standard IQ values. The USA is a country of over 330 million people. Place them all on the bell curve and, you will see, half of them are on the left side of the curve … the side with IQs BELOW normal. I believe that most experts would agree, those individuals are more likely to be easily influenced by one who wishes to manipulate them. That is exactly what has happened with MAGA. It is a cult and the Magatts have fallen for the lies of their leader, donald john trump. A very large group of lower IQ citizens believed the most important thing about our 2024 presidential election was to vote for the man who promised to bring down grocery prices. To put it mildly, they bought the snake oil. According to the final official election results trump did not win more than 50% of the popular vote. However, he did win more than Harris because of the votes going to other candidates: Jill Stein, Robert F Kennedy Jr., and Chase Oliver. (View official results at trump won with 49.8% to Harris 48.32%. The bottom line here is: About half of the citizens of the USA have been screwed by the lower IQ individuals making up the MAGA movement. Thanks for letting me share my 2 cents. Long live Canada … our great neighbor to the north. John

    1. Thanks for taking the time to do this, John. Feel free to vent on my blog any time you wish!

    2. David, Thank you for your tolerance! 😊 As long as you’ve given me permission to “come aboard” I have a question related to birding. I recently discovered a device called BirdWeather PUC. It’s a portable nature recorder which will capture the songs of birds encountered when out on a birding adventure and can help with bird identification. It looks interesting, but is a bit pricey. I am wondering if you are familiar with it and if you have any thoughts about it? ( ) Thanks in advance for any reply. John

    3. There seems to be a proliferation of these apps, John, but I am not familiar with this one. The most universally used app, by far, is Merlin, free from Cornell University Press. I hardly know a birder these days who doesn’t use it. All the best and good birding - David

  30. As an American appalled at what Trump is doing and wants to do I say...Stand Firm.

  31. Yo también estoy con Canadá. Abrazos.

  32. Good morning David :=)
    I too am appalled at the latest news and stand by Canada all the way. I'm so sorry for the lack of respect and aliance shown to Canada by a power crazy man who should never have become a US leader.

    1. In addition he wants to invade Panama and Greenland, impose punishing tariffs on the UK and EU, and “clean out” Gaza, seize the territory and develop it as a giant resort. Stay tuned for what might happen today.

  33. 👍🏻
    The guy with the yellow hair always gives me goosebumps of horror...
    All the best from Austria, Traude
    PS: I signed.

    1. You are not alone with those goosebumps of horror, Traude.

  34. These are confusing and appalling times. We Canadians must stand together! Thank you for this post, David.

    1. If ever there was a moment to stop regional bickering, this is it.

  35. Querido David mi total apoyo a Canadá, creo que todos vamos a sufrir las consecuencias de un gobierno de estos personajes que se creen todo poderosos y dueños del mundo. Espero que todo vaya bien. Un abrazo inmenso para todos.

  36. Dear friend, i have no idea what is happening there or what new conflict this Trump has brought, but reading what so many people have commented, i want to say: Long Live Canada! I´m for Canada ❤️

  37. Hi, David. Thank you for this post. I will send the link on to my siblings in Canada, and hopefully, they will sign it and send it on as well. I am so angry about and appalled over what is going on. I feel deeply betrayed by our country's current government and its threats to Canada. I am not surprised because this man said exactly what he would do, and Americans elected him. I think some people here are developing buyer's remorse, and I hope more do very quickly. I am absolutely for Canada.

  38. America vs Canada. That's how neighbors are, anywhere in the world.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
