Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Letters from Pakistan - Additional Information


      Many of you will no doubt recall that I recently reviewed the above book here.
     The earlier post would have been more complete had I included information about how to obtain the book.
     Dr de Scally took a conscious decision to eschew the normal route of selling on Amazon as a means to support Canadian booksellers, even though this makes distribution more difficult. Perhaps there are those among you who are also avoiding Amazon as a protest against restrictions on editorial independence.
     The book is available at locally-owned bookshops in mountain communities in British Columbia (Armchair Books in Whistler; Fable Book Parlour in Revelstoke, and Four Point Books in Golden and Invermere). It may also be ordered from the author by emailing lettersfrompakistan@gmail.com.
     The book price is CAD30.00. Shipping within Canada is CAD19.30, but up to three books can be shipped without an increase in postage. For mailing outside Canada send an email with your full address and request a quote. Payment is by domestic or international e-transfer.
    Given the current rate of exchange the prices for American buyers is USD21.00 for the book, so there is an added incentive to buy!
     It is a fine book, very suitable as a gift, and a way to support Canada. And you don't have to be Canadian to do that!

David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. I hope they sell a lot of books, David!
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

  2. I have just done so. My daughter was with External Affairs in Pakistan for four years and did a lot of work in that area. You can find photos of her on my blog with her Landrover in similar roads, just for a starter. I think she would love this book and will try to get a copy. Thank you for the headsup.

  3. This explains why my librarian couldn't find it for interlibrary loan. Let me reread how to order it.

  4. Yes I remember the review. Interesting how he decided to sell it. Everything seems to be on Amazon these days!

    1. It's because he's a person with principles, Ananka.

    2. Something so many lack these days!

  5. Good on Dr. de Scally to stand by his convictions.

  6. Any book that has details about the Himalayas is very good.

  7. I'm always about supporting Canada. Thanks for the information.

  8. Thank you for the information, David.

  9. Thank you. I hope he sells buckets of books.

  10. That's another point in favor of this book. We must continue promoting local purchases and, above all, the boycott of the US.
    Un abrazo David

  11. Has completado perfectamente la información.
    Un abrazo

  12. Good for the author to do this. Although it means it may be more difficult for me to get the book, I totally understand and support Canadians boycotting the US. That's the only way to stop those stupid tariffs the idiot in Washington is imposing on Canada. For what real reason? Our economy here in New England (especially northern New England) depends a lot on Canadian trade, in fact most of our gas is processed there. And my friend's husband who is a contractor is complaining because his work is at a stand still. Although there is plenty of logging in New Hampshire and Maine, the wood is then sent to Canada to be milled. Now it comes back with a ridiculous tariff expense on it. I guess it's hard for him to get wood for working from the agent he uses, and so not only is he being affected, but so is his agent. OK, those are just a few examples and I'm sure you know of plenty more. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you very much, Erika. Your empathy is greatly appreciated.

  13. Great to hear the book may also be ordered from the author by sending an email. I can pay by bank transfer. I agree on supporting your country.

  14. Good for him avoiding Amazon ! I entirely agree with that.

    1. As an author yourself you would certainly appreciate this action, Jenny.

  15. Thank you for this alternative purchase information David. I prefer to avoid Amazon and am all in on supporting Canada in every way.

  16. I shall make a stop in Revelstoke next trip to BC in May, Believe it or not but the parking is brutal in that town's core!, But a small town bookstore is well worth the effort. I remember when BC and Alberta were mad at each other, for whatever issue was bugging either side, Covid, wine, pipelines....now redirected south, what a funny bunch we can be about "Amazon"

    1. Enjoy your stop in Revelstoke. Great to visit these communities.Hopefully we are about to put some of this inter-provincial squabbling behind us.

  17. Thank you David for this information.

  18. I hope that many books will be sold.
    Greetings Irma

  19. Great idea to do it by email, but you know who is now targeting the US Mail. good luck to the author and all the ones here who plan to order it..

  20. Thank you for that information and I do hope that he sells many books.

  21. Very useful, David! We also avoid Amazon. They've launched their new .ie web address and reaction has been mixed with some being thrilled and some not so much.

  22. What a great book! I hope all the copies will be sold and a second printing will be needed. Unfortunately, I only read books in my native language...
    I buy my books at my local bookstore because I want the bookstore to survive. Some of the nice shops here have already closed because more and more supermarkets are opening and the smaller shops can't keep up.
    That's a real shame.
    All the best to you in Canada. Canada, that's music to my ears.

  23. I have a friend who would enjoy that book and I will try to find a copy as a gift. I may have to read it first! Hugs

  24. Thank you for this information, David. I was wondering how to get the book - now I know. I can completely understand why he wouldn't want to sell it on Amazon.


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We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
