Sunday, March 05, 2023

Book Review - The Lives of Beetles: A Natural History of Coleoptera - Princeton University Press


"The mind-boggling diversity of beetles is testament to their evolutionary success and, combined with their ubiquity, makes them the perfect ambassadors for environmental awareness. A keener appreciation of beetles strengthens our connection to the natural world, so it just makes good sense to get to know them better."

     And get to know them better, we do! Guided by the deft hand and encyclopedic knowledge of Arthur V. Evans we come to understand and appreciate beetles in all their dizzying diversity, and acknowledge their vital role in a healthy ecosystem. 
     Beetles are found throughout the world, in virtually every terrestrial environment, and some are specialized for acquatic life. They vary in size from minute organisms barely visible to the naked eye to giants with fearsome weaponry. Throughout history beetles have been at times revered, hated, kept as pets, used as jewelry, destroyed with messianic fervour, introduced as biological control agents - but seldom viewed with indifference.
     This book is packed with information, including the latest scientific knowledge, and as is standard in works of this type published by Princeton University Press, filled with high quality illustrations.

     One fifth of all the organisms on Earth are beetles, many still unkown to science. It behooves us to get to know them better and treat them with respect. They are the engines of ecosystem functionality and diversity; they hold great promise for science that benefits humans.
     The book follows a similar pattern to other recent works of this type, with chapters on Structure and Function, Evolution, Diversity and Distribution, Communication, Reproduction and Development, Feeding Habits, Beetles in Medicine, Science and Technology, Study and Conservation.
     Each section is jam-packed with information, concisely and precisely presented, accompanied by illustrations that serve to enhance the text. We are indeed fortunate to live at a time when superb works of this calibre are available to a wide audience at very modest cost. 

     Each chapter concludes with nine species, carefully selected to illuminate the information that has just been provided. A range map is included, a full colour, full page illustration, and black-and-white drawings to elucidate behavioural or anatomical characters.
     As is the case for every plant and animal on Earth humans are the primary drivers of extinction, and we appear to have no limits to our capacity to impair and destroy biodiversity. We continue to do so at our peril, yet we march inexorably along this path of destruction. Beetles are yet another "canary in the coal mine."
     The book concludes with suggestions for further reading, a fine glossary and a summary of the family classification of extant beetles.
     Be sure to place this book on your wish list for birthdays or other special occasions. You will consult it over and over again and be ever grateful to the person who gave it to you. And don't forget to ask your local library to add it to their collection.

The Lives of Beetles: A Natural History of Coleoptera - Princeton University Press
Arthur V. Evans
Hardcover - US$25.00 - ISBN: 9780691236513
288 pages - 7.5 x 9.5 inches (18.75 x 23.75 cm)
150+ colour illustrations 
Publication Date: 07 March, 2023

David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. The book looks very nice with beautiful photos, David.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

    1. I am sure that you have a wide range of beetles in your garden, Marit. Hugs and kisses - David

  2. entomology class in college was a loooong time ago.

  3. Beetles are fascinating - we have quite a diverse range here, but I don't see nearly as many in the city as we used to in the country.

  4. Widzę, że to solidna, przyzwoita książka. Dobre zdjęcia i ilustracje, ciekawe zestawienia. Dobrze, że nadal powstają takie książki i dobrze byłoby, żeby jak najwięcej ludzi do nich zaglądało, a nie tylko czerpali wiedze tylko z internetu. Dziękuję Ci za tą recenzję.

  5. Si que no pasan indiferentes. Hasta en diseños de joyas han salido. Cuando sembramos el huerto aparecen, los dejamos allí, creemos que algún beneficio harán. Interesante libro.
    Buena noche David.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Hari OM
    I do like beetles..... YAM xx

  7. There are many that are so colorful and even beautiful, but they still give me the creeps to come upon one in real life. At a distance is fine.

  8. I love beetles, and that book looks very interesting!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela

  9. Very interesting book with beautiful photos too.
    Greetings Irma

  10. Coleoptera are such a fascinating group of insects. This looks like a great book. Happy new week!Let's hope we both have something spring in the day. I did see a huge (like 100) flock of robins the other afternoon. I'm not sure if they are locals or migrating, but it was definitely a good sign to see them. hugs-Erika

    1. They really are fascinating, Erika. You more than most people I can think of would really enjoy this book.

  11. This, you may be surprised to learn, is going onto my wish list, David. However, I have to find an excuse as, tomorrow, I am getting a new camera which will account for my next two birthdays and Christmases - at least!

    Best wishes to you and Miriam - - - Richard

    1. I am sure you will have no trouble coming up with something, Richard!

  12. Hello David, thank you for the review of this book. Beatles always facinated me and they are wonderful. Even golden coloured ones, unbelievable!
    Warm regards,

  13. Muy interesante el mundo de los escarabajos, son unos insectos que me daban susto cuando era pequeña pero a medida que los he ido conociendo me han ido gustando más que nada por la labor que realizan en la comunidad de la naturaleza.
    Muchos besos.

  14. This sounds good. I must confess that I know more about the Beatles than beetles! Hugs, Valerie xxxx

    1. I will create an online course and you will have to take it!

  15. Can't say I'm fond of beetles but I am fond of lovely photos of creatures and these look great!

    1. Many are probably not "fond" of beetles but they are a critical component of a functioning ecosystem.

  16. Otro gran libro de extraordinaria belleza y reseña la tuya apreciado David.
    Un gran abrazo y feliz semana estimado amigo.

  17. They are really beautiful in the photos!

  18. I'll put it on my wish list. This reminds me that I was going to do a little search for water beetles. We saw some in a pond this week and they were hyper! lol Very funny to watch. Thanks for the review!

  19. Sounds good and the photos would be spectacular.

  20. Me encanta este libro, me encantaría tenerlo. Abrazos.

  21. Yo creo que los que he visto , son de la misma especie, al poder verlos siempre en una misma zona. Tampoco los veo tan frecuentemente.

  22. Hi David - life is just amazing ... we have these wonderful beetles across the globes filling a necessary space on our earth - I need a filler post ... and this post has sent me off in an interesting direction. We aren't helping ourselves - that is for sure ... cheers for now - Hilary

  23. Looks and sounds a good book, many thanks for your review.

    All the best Jan


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