13 January, 2025
Selva Mar- Limón - Bijagua - Caño Negro
We had enjoyed our stay at Selva Mar, but it was time to move on.
A stop at Limon for washrooms and coffee was very pleasant and Miriam and I enjoyed a cappuccino and split a chocolate croissant.
Many large trees surrounded the restaurant, and Mantled Howler Monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were a marquis attraction for the many tourist buses pausing their journey here.
Lest anyone doubt the gender of this fine fellow, I am ready to offer Simian Anatomy 101 at a very reasonable cost.
Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) is a charismatic bird; much better in real life, I assure you, than on the shoulder of a pirate in a Hollywood flick.
Inter-species pairings are evidently attractive to flirtatious males and females, as this hybrid shows.
We were excited to find a male Spot-breasted Oriole (Icterus pectoralis) at this location, our only sighting of the trip.
This elegant plant, known curiously as a Stickpea, takes its place in the genus Calliandra.
Clockvines (genus Thunbergia) are not native to Central America, but so many plants have been introduced from other parts of the world the line between native and non-native seems to be blurring.
The rhythmic, chortling song of Rufous-backed Wrens (Campylerhynchus capistratus) alerted us to their presence.
We motored on and stopped for lunch at a lovely restaurant out in the country, overlooking extensive grassland.
Western Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis), in affirmation of their name, were very adept at snapping up insects disturbed by the bovines.
One of the prize sightings was an Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), not a rarity at home in Ontario, but it was the first time I had seen one in Costa Rica.
After a tasty lunch we left for the euphemistically named Bird Songs Garden in Bijagua, and this turned out to be a memorable stop. There was so much to see, so much to enjoy, so much to learn.
A White-tipped Cycadian (Eumaeus godarti) was part of the welcome committee that day.
Heliconias (genus Heliconia) are magnets for several species of hummingbird, quite apart from being very pleasing to the human eye.
I think this caterpillar is that of a species of Tiger Moth (tribe Arctiini), but if someone is able to identify it with certainty I'd be happy to know. (Thanks to Traude (see below), this is Dysschema jansonis. Thank you, Traude.
We were able to examine Yellow-throated Euphonia (Euphonia hirundinacea) close at hand, and with ease. It was such a pleasure.
Clay-coloured Thrush (Turdus grayi) was probably ignored most of the time; the sort of wallflower at the dance, so to speak.
I have to apologize once again for my lack of familiarity with Central American lepidoptera. This handsome specimen is in the subtribe Eudamina, a subfamily of Skippers (Hesperidae), but I am unable to get more specific than that.
He was a very talented fellow and produced, among other items, water bottles featuring his designs, all supremely attractive, and well executed. Miriam bought the bottle he is holding in this picture.
In addition to the water bottles he showed us photographs on his phone of masks he had made for traditional Costa Rican festivals - and many other items.
Getting to meet him and chat at some length was a highlight for me.
I don't think I have words in my vocabulary to adequately describe Yellow-throated Toucan (Rhamphastos ambiguus). I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
And you should. Friendly people, exceptional wildlife, great accommodation, good infrastructure, tasty food - all you could wish for.
I assure you that I am not being paid in any way to shill for Costa Rica! My feelings come from the heart after four visits.
There were several vantage points from which to observe the birds.
A Streak-headed Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes souleyetti) pleased us to no end by hitching up a tree in front of us.
The highlight for me was the presence of several juvenile Blue-black Grassquits (Volatinia jacarina), flitting all around us and from time to time affording excellent views.
We pressed on, and the driving was slow, but right around dinner time we arrived at our base for the next couple of days.
The end of another great day in Costa Rica.