Sunday, June 30, 2024

Highlights from Grass Lake and Lakeside Park

26 May, 2024
Grass Lake, Cambridge, ON

     As expected, Eastern Kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) were numerous and this individual seemed to be practicing its upright pose!

     It would be a rare spring day indeed not to find Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) at this location. 

     It is a beautiful little bird, characterized by a high level of vocal enthusiasm.

     Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) is an enigmatic representative of grassland birds, and they were exceptionally exuberant, with several males at a time trilling their entrancing song across the meadows.

     To have Bobolinks and Savannah Sparrows co-joined in spring time abundance is a noteworthy pleasure.

     Adding to the lustre of the birds, Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris) was a visual delight.

     The humble Red Clover (Trifolium pretense) is highly prized by pollinators.

     Here, a patch of Philadelphia Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus) was host to a Furrow Bee (genus Halictus).

     You will permit me a few more pictures of Bobolink, I am sure.

     Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) is an extraordinarily beautiful flower.

     Clouded Sulphurs (Colias philodice) added to the morning's pleasure.

     It is a fine thing to share one's world with Oxeye Daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare).

     Mouse-ear Hawkweeds (genus Pilosella) were everywhere one looked.

     Is there anything more pleasing than a wildflower meadow freshly bloomed in spring?

     You see the beauty in the picture, but what is missing is the ruffling of the breeze, the hums, squeaks and stridulations of insects, the melody of the birds, and even the rambunctious presence of groundhogs and chipmunks. Magic is close at hand if only you care to find it.

09 June, 2024
Lakeside Park, Kitchener, ON

     We had barely swatted our first mosquito when an elegant Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) cruised in to greet us.

     This was followed in short order by a male Bluet (genus Enallagma).

      Snails for a non-specialist are extremely difficult to identify as to species, but based on as much research as I can do this little beauty is in the genus Trochulus.

     Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) seems to have effectively conquered and colonized our area, and is usually the the most ubiquitous lady beetle I see.

     I delight in the way that Condylostylus patibulatus rolls off the tongue!

     It's a pleasure to find one just to say the name!
     A species of Nomad Bee (genus Nomada) was busy and paid little heed to us.

     I know that you are waiting to hear how Cluster Flies (genus Pollenia) come by their name, so I am about to tell you.

     In cold weather they will take refuge in attics and other such welcoming spaces, and on a warm day will cluster at a window seeking to escape back to the outdoors - hence their name.
     I expect that you will file this information in your brain and trot it out with casual ease at your next cocktail party or family picnic, impressing all with your knowledge and sophistication.
     You could even add Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis) to your repertoire.

     Perhaps better not to discuss Root-maggot Flies (family Anthomyiidae) while chewing on a carrot stick, however. 

     Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil (Polydrusus formosus) possesses more charm and appeal than your average politician, and more intelligence too!

     These two are especially happy this morning!

     Mallard (Anas platyrynchos) is familiar to all, and eternally charming.

     I wonder how many children get their first experience of a bird when taken to a pond to feed the ducks?
     Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) is an exquisitely appealing little flower, delicate and overloaded with personality.

     I'd be willing to bet that Common Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum) is not everyone's favourite arthropod, despite having travelled all the way from Europe to live among us.

     A Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) gosling on the other hand sets hearts a-flutter.

     A pretty good way to end a walk in the park.
David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. We have many of the same flowers here, David. The red clover grows in my garden too. Canada and Norway partly have the same climate. The mallard is a lovely bird.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

    1. Yes, climatically we have similarities and perhaps even our temperaments are not vastly different. We even have md gardeners here. 😏

  2. Hari Om
    I'm with EC 🙏 YAM xx

  3. ...David, your nature hike was a wonderful way to start my day, thanks for taking me along.

  4. Conozco el nombre de los pájaros más comunes y la mayoría de insectos que aparecen en las fotos. Las flores dan gusto de verlas, integradas en esa bella naturaleza.
    Feliz domingo.

  5. Always enjoy the wanderings. :)

  6. What a beautiful collection of nature beauties! I always love pretty sparrows that present love, loyalty and hope!

  7. I love wild flowers more than cultivated ones and these are all beautiful and yellow is my favorite color for any flower. that duck looking into your lens at the end is just perfection. I have heard bobolinks several times in my life but not seen them. as always your birds and butterflies are wonderful... who could feel sad when all that beauty is out there.

  8. I used to pick red clover and make bouquets of it

    1. We used to make necklaces from daisies and give them to the girls. I doubt they were impressed!

  9. Always a pleasure to watch your pictures David !
    Love the duck in green leaves !
    Have a nice week watching birds, insects and flowers around you !

  10. Amazing photos David!! How many and beautiful creatures. I loved the butterfly, the duck that seemed to pose for you, the dragonfly and the beetles!! Many of the wild flowers are also in my place!!
    Thank you so much David for the rich nature you presented,
    have a beautiful week!!

  11. Love the duck amid those leaves, made me smile. All is beautiful and photos are excellent.

  12. All the beauty is simply amazing, thank you!

  13. loved the walk and the bobolinks with their orange caps!and the flowers which are scarce around here during the hot summers. also glad to see such a variety of insects.

  14. The bobolinks have very interesting markings. I do love the photo of the mallard peeking through the leaves. AND oh, goslings are darn cute.

  15. That bobolink is quite the cutie! I don't know if I've ever even seen a photo of one and your photos are fabulous. What a fine hike you had!

  16. Such a great tour through your environs! The photo of Asian beetle is beautiful with its colours.

  17. In relation to beetles, I know of them are very useful in our backyards & gardens, as they are predators on other small animals that eat leaves. 🐞
    I also like the picture of that black libellula. Such a marvelous creature!

    Great post!

  18. Fabulous post, the photographs are wonderful.
    I especially like the one with the duck in the middle of the leaves.

    All the best Jan

  19. Oh my goodness. These are some amazing photos :-D I love taking photos of the bugs. Loving your weevils, I've just posted one of their family too! The dragonfly and damselflies are stunning. We get a lot of woodlice over here in Scotland. I love taking photos of the snails too. These are all very important creatures in our world, that you have shown today. And Mrs Mallard popping her head up, very cute :-D

    1. I will look forward to more of your pictures on your blog, Ananka.

  20. Ah, Bobolinks! Wonderful birds. I have fond memories of seeing (and hearing) a small flock of them in a meadow in East Texas some years back. What a sight and sound that was.

    1. They really are wonderful birds, so distinct and the song is magical.

  21. Sounds like a magical morning! Such gorgeous images.

  22. Hello David,
    You have taken a great series of photos.
    The Bobolink is a beautiful species that I have never heard of.
    Also many beautiful plants, beetles and dragonflies, the ladybird is also beautiful.
    I wish you a beautiful week.
    Greetings Irma

  23. A wonderful outing and beautiful nature photos. I would have loved seeing the Bobolinks, great sighting. The duckling is adorable. Have a great day and happy new week!

  24. Yellow seems to be the color today, which I welcome.

  25. Good photos, the macros are great.

  26. Como de costumbre sacaste muchísimo provecho a tu paseo por la naturaleza. Por cierto preciosos los bobolinks. Un abrazo amigo.

  27. To me, all sparrows seem to look the same. I guess it is our song sparrows that are so vocal here. Love to hear them. I never saw a Bobolink.. Unusual coloring!
    I am a fan of daisies. I have several kinds growing in my garden.
    Good shot of Mrs.Duck... I am partial to mallards.
    Interesting information about the cluster flies... I may have seen them at the garage windows?
    Have a happy fourth although I guess that is not a day that is celebrated in Canada...Hugs

    1. Today is our celebration, Missy. It’s called Canada Day, but we don’t get involved in the hoopla. It will a day pretty much the same as others for us.

    2. I should have also added that if all the sparrows look the same I will have to enrol you in Sparrow 101!

  28. Love the shot of the Mallard popping up through the plants! Such a divers collection of insects. Cheers - Stewart M - Oban, Stewart Island, NZ

  29. Todas tus fotografías me encantan, todo lo que hay en ellas me gusta. Abrazos.

  30. Thank you for these David, a delightful series!

  31. "Is there anything more pleasing than a wildflower meadow freshly bloomed in spring?" no.
    Hi David!
    what a delight of landscapes, all full of life and color! the air is alive, filled with the joyful singing of birds. The red clover and the daisies seem to compete in beauty and grace.

    How much exuberance and splendor of life that surrounds us.

    Happy July and happy summer, dear friend. Sending you frozen hugs below zero⋆·˚ ༘ *


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
