Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Waterloo Region Nature Outing to Linear Trail and Riverside Park, Cambridge, ON

No bare footed, tree climbing, frog holding, cloud spotting, bird calling, wild foraging, moon gazing, firefly chasing, creek following, rock hunting moment with Mother Nature is ever wasted.

Nicolette Sowder

08 February, 2025

Leader: David M. Gascoigne

Members: Barry Grant, Betty Brechun, Bob Fraser, Christina Koenig, Curtiss MacDonald, Dale Ingrey, David Matthews, Fraser Gibson, Heather DeYoe, Janet Ozaruk, Karen Earle, Kathy Waybrant, Leon Linseman, Linda Bree, Lisa Den Besten, Mary Ann Vanden Elzen, Melinda Metzger, Mike Duchene, Min Min Tong, Miriam Bauman, Nancy Matthews, Shane Mulligan, Steve Gyorffy. 

Guests: Arthur Blackledge, Fiona Beardwood, Don DeYoe, Nas DeYoe, Izzy Kelly, Mariana Pontes, Marilyn Newman

Linear Trail

     It was crisp and cold when we all assembled; it is after all February in Ontario. Cold weather never deterred a hardy naturalist.

     We set off along the trail, strung out a little with such a large group, all happy to be together, doing what we love best.

     It was not long before the cheerful call of a Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) attracted our attention - so familiar yet so utterly wonderful.

     Predictably a Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) was not far behind.

     The trail was snowy; one could not be faulted for invoking Robert Frost.

     There was nevertheless much to observe, and evidence of the adaptability of living things to winter was all around.
     We stopped often to discuss and learn.

     Most of the Speed River was frozen over.

     When finally we encountered open water in a rapidly flowing section of the river we scanned for a kingfisher that has traditionally spent the winter along this stretch, but it was nowhere to be found.

     One of the justifiable remarks of many a birder is to wonder at the choice of the name of Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus); the red belly is seldom visible. This look is about as good as it gets!

     On this outing we generally go as far as an area known as The Confluence where the Grand and Speed Rivers fuse together.

     Most of the ducks were quite far out, but this male Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) swam closer than most.

     The unquestioned stars of the day comprised a small group of Sandhill Cranes (Antigone canadensis) who sailed in with all the grace a bird can muster.

     They landed a little farther away than we might have liked, but their mere presence at any distance thrilled us.

     They are hardy birds and handle winter well.

     A Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) was keenly watching the ducks, always on the lookout for a sign of injury, signalling an easy lunch.

     This male Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) seemed out of harm's way.

     We left to head back to our cars, but not without a farewell glance at the Sandhill Cranes.

     A grand (pun intended) sighting indeed!
     Lisa, Kathy, Mike and a few others had separated from the main group and lingered a while after we left. They were treated to heart-stopping views of a hungry young Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on the hunt.
     S/he first tried to pluck a Mallard (Anas platyrynchos) from the water, but the Mallard was able to evade capture and the eagle was left with nothing but a few feathers. (Thanks to Kathy for the pictures).

     It then turned its attention to a fish, a little easier target perhaps.

Riverside Park

     It is mere minutes from the Linear Trail to Riverside Park. A few decided to call it a day, but most of us stayed together to enjoy the rest of the morning.

     In no time at all, Black-capped Chickadees were coming to greet us in the secure knowledge that humans bring food.
     Janet and Mary Ann wasted no time in offering tasty and nutritious sunflower seeds.

     The boardwalk is a magnet for birds; many people bring seed and it is strewn liberally along the railing.
     An Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) was quick to join House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) to hoover up its fair share - or perhaps a little more.

     A grey morph individual was joined by its black morph cousin.

     A male Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) patiently waited his turn, joined by equally patient American Tree Sparrows (Spizelloides arborea).

     There has been a worldwide decline in the population of House Sparrow and Canada is no exception to this alarming trend. Riverside Park seems to be a bit of a stronghold.

     I find American Tree Sparrow to be one of the most charming of our native sparrows.

     Here it is again with a Northern Cardinal.

     We saw just a couple of White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) - always delightful.

     This Red-bellied Woodpecker declined to flaunt her red belly!

     A Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is an undeniably handsome bird.

     For some reason Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) were "everywhere" with many trees, as well as hydro lines, bedecked with dozens of them.

Black-capped Chickadee

Northern Cardinal

     It's hard to know whether an ambitious teacher encouraged her young pupils to make bird houses, or some other organized group initiated it, but there were many fanciful creations along the boardwalk.

     We went to check out the river, but other than a narrow ribbon of water at the edge it was frozen solid.

     Mallards were content to rest on the ice; perhaps some kind soul will bring cracked corn for them.

     Graffiti is one of the scourges of modern civilization (?) and Riverside Park is not exempt.

Eastern Grey Squirrel

     Kathy and the others who stayed with her rejoined us, anxious to recount their encounter with the Bald Eagle - and other pleasurable sightings too.

     A White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) enlivened the moment.

     A Hairy Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus) bumped our woodpecker count to three species for the day.

     Eastern Cottontail (Sylvanus floridanus) is no friend to the gardener, but is a key component of a healthy ecosystem.

     We watched a Red-tailed Hawk cruise onto the top of a tall conifer; the rabbit would do well to remain hidden from view.

     As mentioned earlier, Mourning Doves were exceptionally plentiful, so it seemed fitting that an individual fluffed up against the cold was at the end of the boardwalk.

     It winked at Miriam so doubtless it was a male!

     Another great winter walk. It's great to live in a northern land.
David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. Wow. That was amazing to watch. I hope you didn't catch too much cold.

  2. I salute the hardiness of your group. I'm shivering with cold just looking at those pictures!

    1. It’s easy to dress and stay warm, Dorothy, but the kind of heat you have in Texas is impossible to escape.

  3. Great photos as always, a large group for a winter’s day. Great to see.

    The Bald Eagle and Red-tailed Hawk photos are exceptional. I love the sparrows too. They are so entertaining if you stay back and watch. Great fun!

  4. ...the Sandhill Cranes are a treat to see.

  5. What a great bird walk! About the “red bellied” woodpecker — my understanding it that it was named in the era when IDs were made from skins (that is, dead birds), and in that form, the red is more prominent. In the book “The Birds That Audubon Missed“ (which I think you reviewed?) there’s some discussion of creating bird paintings from photos rather than from skins. Author Kenn Kaufman challenged himself to do so.
    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. Such a lovely group of people to accompany you on the walk. Marvelous scenery and photos! I would love a good walk on such a day, just as long as I was bundled up. Many great sights you shared, thanks David!

  7. So cold there and still so many amazing critters to see....I hope those beautiful ducks did get their cracked corns.

  8. What a nice group!
    It's surprising that with the cold and snow there are so many little birds.
    The cranes are really pretty and those shots of the eagle hunting are stunning.
    Un abrazo David

  9. Wow did you meet all this bIrds in one day!!I am amazed..What a wildlife.That squirrel sure has a bushy tail woooow..And The Grus Grus they honestly look Graceful.Thanx for this post David👍

    1. They are not Grus Grus, the Common Crane you see in Europe. This is Antigone canadensis, a different species.

  10. Brrr...looks cold..with the exception of the water fowl. I can see those birds from my kitchen window!!! I know...it's not the same!!

  11. The large team, which enjoyed pleasant landscapes and a diverse fauna.

  12. What a hardy bunch you all are. Cold temps can't stop you from an outing to enjoy nature. Well done, David.

  13. It's - 14 degrees C here right now, David. I understand it's cold at your place too. I was out earlier today to feed the birds, and it was so cold. I feel sorry for the birds. Your photos tells me you have a real winter this year. The Blue Jay is so beautiful. I love blue birds.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

  14. Hari OM
    Wonderful winter wings! I was hoping to do some counting last weekend, but was sadly disappointed at one Robin and two crows... YAM xx

    1. Study after study reveals that bird populations everywhere are in steep decline.

  15. What a jolly good group you had! That's really quite spectacular and I loved so many of them. But I have to say, I would have stopped dead in my tracks upon seeing the Sandhill cranes on the snow. Wow.

  16. These winter walks with your groups produce an amazing variety of bird life, David. The cardinal with the sparrows was my favorite in this group, along with the cranes and those eagle shots. Glad the Mallard escaped being meal.

    Your comment on my post about kindness is well taken in that sometimes it is not acknowledged, but that would not deter me in future.

  17. The birds here in the northern climates aren't as colourful (with some exceptions) as the birds you visited in Costa Rica, but they are beautiful none-the-less.

    1. And soon they will be joined by many colourful from places like Costa Rica.

  18. I can't tell you how jealous I am!

  19. What a great series of photos David.
    Very nice that this time the red belly of the Red-bellied Woodpecker was visible.
    So nice that the birds eat from your hands and that you spread food for the other animals, very nice that the squirrels are attracted to that.
    The American tree sparrow looks very different from the sparrows that occur here.
    I enjoyed the photos.
    Greetings Irma

  20. You are all very keen and good on you for wandering out and about doing what you all love.
    The photos are beautiful and of course my favourite are the Northern Cardinals, male and female. So wonderful to see the creature out and about in the snow.

  21. I enjoyed this post about that beautiful natural environment covered with snow. I like those paths.
    Great photos of the blue jay and the grey squirrel. Good job on catching sandhill cranes.

  22. the nuthatch it to cute for words hanging on the side of the tree. the eagles photos are spectacular! and if you take the tree climbing out of the first quote, I agree 100 percent. I never climbed a tree in my life. ha ha. I giggled a little when I saw all of you in ice and snow and all bundled up. I took Beau for his walk yesterday dressed like this with my hoody up and the temp was 67. wonder how I would do where you are. I would love the group but prefer it in warmer temps. that mallard in the snow looks just like the ones that visit our pool sometimes. usually in sets of 3. LOVE the sandhill cranes in flight. a familiar sight here and sometimes they wander accross the busy streets and I stop and stare.

    1. Be sure to take pictures of the cranes walking across the street.

  23. Hello,
    It is great to see the large group of birders! A wonderful variety of sightings and Miriam's photos are beautiful. The crane series is my favorite. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  24. Amazing photos David. You sure do get a lot of snow! That mallard was luck to escape but at least it got some fish in the end. Graffiti isn't so much a problem here in nature but sadly littering is. I really cannot stand littering of any kind!

  25. I just read this again mostly for the photography 🫣. ..The sandhill crane shots and the bald eagle fishing are outstanding!! I envy your having the opportunity to photograph birds in this setting...

  26. Dear David, I've now experienced a big jump in temperature - and there are also some differences in color - because first I accompanied you and your friends on your latest colorful Costa Rica adventure, now I'm hiking with you through the snow. But it's not boring here either.
    The sandhill cranes are wonderful! You think they're far away? I've never seen cranes (the species of crane that stop here in our country) so close. What elegant sights!
    The photos of the young hunting bald eagle are spectacular. I don't know how you feel as a bird lover - are you also happy that the mallard survived and the fish had to die? The eagle has to eat, that much is clear... You saw many beautiful and delightful birds and other animals on your trip - I found the White-breasted Nuthatch particularly cute - and at the end even a very charming winking Mourning Dove, how nice!
    All the best, Traude

  27. The bird photography is terrific, I love that you have named all these birds. My son recently hung a bird feeder and I was watching it this weekend while the snowflakes swirled around, I saw mostly juncos, a couple of blue jays and a red bellied woodpecker. And some mourning doves too. Your nature walks look like so much fun, very companionable.

  28. I'm so envious of all your travels and what you do and see. Thank you for sharing it all.

  29. So many wonders. You have quite a healthy group. Love the Robert Frost pic. Those squirrels look well fed:) AND The last pic of the cranes is stunning.

  30. Buena imagen de grupo. Todos han participado en esa gran aventura.
    Buenas Noches.

  31. Hello David, wtapp! what an excellent expedition, the group managed to capture the very essence of winter. The walk in the middle of the cold, each bird and each rabbit, doves, squirrels told its own story of resistance. Ah, and what an exciting encounter with the bald eagle, that moment of hunting... the eternal dance between predator and prey at its best.
    Thanks for sharing this experience, dear friend,
    have a cozy night ❄️🐦❄️

  32. No hay como salir a disfrutar de la Naturaleza con buena compañía y además poder ver gran cantidad de aves y tan bien. Fantástico reportaje, gracias por compartir David. Un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.

  33. Hi David.

    I enjoyed all the beautiful nature and animals you showed.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  34. David, Excellent job of posting pictures with interesting, descriptive captions. After the first look-through, I started again from the beginning viewing the large images. Lots of excellent captures … several that required stopping for longer admiration! Thank you for sharing the delightful outing! John

    1. Thank you, John. You leave the most thoughtful comments.

  35. What a wonderful set of photos but the series of the young Bald Eagle are my favourites, so glad it missed the mallard and went for fish instead. I am amazed how many people were on the walk with you, so good that many people ate interested in birding and wildlife.
    Bisous mon ami de France, Diane

  36. Fantastic, very brave group! It's a real winter with you. Despite the frost, a wonderful walk and so many beautiful animals that it's hard to take your eyes off. David, only in your photos can I admire such fantastic birds.
    Hugs and greetings to Miriam and to you.

  37. The shots of the young bald eagle hunting are great! And a very lovely blue jay. I wish I could see them in real life. :)

  38. Looks like everyone was well bundled up to do a little bird sight-seeing. Lots of birds of interest, but my favorite is the fluffed out dove. That is just the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  39. Another fantastic outing! You guys are certainly hardy. Are you concerned at all about bird flu? I heard that mergansers were being found dead along one of the Great Lakes, and that there was concern that it was bird flu.

    1. We are aware of avian flu, of course, but I don’t think we have processed it to the point where we change our habits!

  40. Dedication and determination depicted during very chilly conditions. As always, beautiful photos of the beauty of Nature's wonderful creatures. Thank you. :)

  41. This was such a rewarding outing for all of you! Being out there on a cold crisp day and seeing what you saw, makes for a more treasured experience! Lots to warm your heart!

  42. I love winter walks ... there is something very peaceful about the white landscape and the birds, I loved them all. But, I especially love the raptors and, of course, the Sandhill Cranes. They are normally a migrating bird. I have visited the "Great Migration" in Kansas, but apparently your Sandhills like to stick close to home.
    So, I have to deny any responsibility for Trump's election ... I would never vote for him or any convicted Felon and Rapist and least of all a mentally deranged idiot who has brought in more mentally deranged idiots to try to run our country into the ground. I hope the fools who elected him suffer some of the consequences of their choice. Hopefully we will be rid of him and his ilk in four years and we can get back to being the country I love again(if there is anything left of us after 4 years). I have friends who I always respected that voted for him. Why, I ask, but if we are to remain friends, we can't discuss politics. It has skewed my view of them so that is a big loss that isn't covered on the news. So I Don't wish for Canada to be our 51st state or to have tariffs dropped on them or any other thoughtless, self serving act he might dream up. How about a Trump Hotel and Golf Course in the Gaza Strip. OMG ... I am mortified! So back to enjoying your post and the pictures of all of your friends and the wildlife. Nature makes a wonderful escape from man's realities. I look forward to my visits with you. I always learn something new and enjoy every picture. I go to the Arboretum frequently, but don't see many birds, surprisingly. I am guessing that they have learned to avoid the heavily traveled parts and stay safe in their own corner of the world. Until we meet again, David ... Be well 💕

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  43. Wonderful photos! Well worth braving the cold for :)

  44. Querido David enhorabuena para todos, sois sin duda muy valientes y no le teméis a la nieve. Me encanto el paseo y me quedé boquiabierta con tantas hermosas aves, pero también con el resto de animalitos. Las fotos son preciosas. Muchas por compartir con nosotros tanta belleza. Un enorme abrazo para ti y para Miriam.

  45. We've had a red-tailed hawk hanging around for a bit. I'm sorry to say, it seems the rabbit population has been declining a pace.

  46. Hi David, great post!!
    The Cranes are Fantastic and also super the Bald eagle!!
    Regards, Maria

  47. Hi, David
    i didn't know this instrumental piece, thanks for the tip. It's a sound painting of the desert 🤗
    Cheers and good wkend !

  48. Spectacular photos, as always! All the little round fluffball birds made me smile.

  49. Hello David :)
    What a large group of birders all engaging in the search for birds in a snowy landscape enjoying the company of other like minded birders. I would love to be a member of your team, just the anticipation would be pregnant with excitement, and what a huge amount of different species you encountered. I would have thought it difficult to encounter much wildlife in such cold conditions but it's amazing that you and your companions always spot an amazing number of different bird species, and I enjoyed each one. Starting with the lovely captures of the puffed up images of the Mourning Dove, and your cute comment David. :)) Lovely shots of the Northern Cardinal, White-breasted Nuthatch, and Blue Jay. It was special to see three different types of Woodpeckers, and the graceful Sandhill Cranes, and the terrific action shots of the Bald Eagle. I'm glad the Mallard got away, but equally happy that the Bald Eagle found a substitute meal. Lovely sparrows, Red-tailed Hawk and the darling Chickadee images, and also the squirrels, always fun to see.. I'll finish now David time to tidy the kitchen and prepare the tea. Thank you for another delightful post.
    Hugs and Kisses

  50. Sabes que yo estaría feliz en ese paseo, me ha encantado. Gracias querido amigo David. Abrazos para Miriam y para ti.

  51. Hello David,
    always great to see how many people you can inspire to love nature, a great day with like-minded people and great pictures.
    Greetings Frank

  52. A simply fabulous winter walk.
    Such a collection of wonderful photographs ... thank you.

    All the best Jan

  53. What a beautiful if cold walk you all had. The Sandhill Cranes are wonderful and these photos are simply amazing. I once saw Sandhill Cranes in Yellowstone while we were looking for moose - this was the first time for me to see them and you can imagine that it was breathtaking.
    I have a question about the hand feeding of birds. Here, we have been warned about doing this because of the avian flu. Has this ever occurred to you? I was a bit surprised to read that and have no idea whether it is hyperbole or has some reasoning. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. On balance, it's probably a good idea not to do it at present. However, we have not stopped doing it and don't feel any angst. On the outings I conduct, I mention it to people and have them make their own decision. So far everyone has been okay handfeeding chickadees, including parents who still permit their children to enjoy the pleasure of contact with a wild bird. I handfed Canada Geese a few weeks ago and that was probably foolhardy; waterfowl have been far more implicated in avian flu than small songbirds. I wouldn't handfeed ducks or geese again until the threat is over.

    2. Thank you, David, for the reply. This sounds very reasonable to me.

  54. Hallo David,

    Prachtig blog met al die voor ons hier uitheemse diersoorten. Vooral de vogels hebben mijn warme belangstelling.


  55. Looks like you had a good day to be out.

  56. Hi David - my gosh it looks cold - but days I remember, just glad they're not here today! Wonderful and how lucky they had that sighting of the Bald Eagle with its attempt and then its catch of the fish; I love the mourning dove - well pluffed up. Great day out for you all - Cheers Hilary


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
