Monday, December 16, 2024

Waterloo Region Nature Outing to the North Shore of Lake Ontario

 14 December, 2024

Leader: David M. Gascoigne

Members: Miriam Bauman, Betty Brechun, Dave Collins, Mary Collins, Lisa Den Besten, Tina Den Besten, Heather DeYoe, Helen Fowler, Steve Gyorffy, Victoria Ho, Christina Koenig, Elaine La Ronde, Leon Linseman, Greg Michalenko, Roger Suffling, Selwyn Tomkun, Mary Ann Vanden Elzen, Shelley Watters

Guests: Priscilla Bliss, Mary Ann Cassidy, Don DeYoe, Nasreen DeYoe, Ellen Klein, Ruthanne Snider 

     When we left home at 07h:00 it was minus 14.5 degrees C, but the forecast was for improving temperatures and pleasant conditions so we looked forward to a great day's birding. It turned out to be a beautiful day, and other than a little wind here and there, it was classic December delight in Ontario. It was the kind of day to make us rejoice in our good fortune to be living in the north, with an exciting array of birds on our list for the day.

DesJardins Canal, Dundas, ON

     In winter, the target bird at this location is the enigmatic and beautiful Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus). Even as we rounded the corner at the canal we saw a sizeable flock of them and our spirits were instantly buoyed. 

     This attractive little duck is a veritable benchmark of enchantment.
     They seemed to favour the company of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis).

     You will forgive me if I overload you with pictures, of these charming birds, but Dave Collins was busy with his camera, and the results are too pleasing not to feature here.
     As you will see the males were posturing and displaying, no doubt trying to impress the females, who for the most part seemed decidedly unmoved by the whole performance. Shades of hormonally charged teenaged youth perhaps?

     Okay, just a couple more; that's all, I promise.

     I bet that by now you wish you had been there with us!
     Perhaps this Canada Goose was beating its wings in enthusiastic approval of the choreographic ensemble taking place in front of it.

Photo - Dave Collins

     We walked alongside the canal with birds to see but few pictures to record the moment. 
     At the end of the canal one finds the Urquart Butterfly Garden, always worth a visit to pay homage to a true Canadian hero, and at times very productive for birds, insects and flowers.

     Some were unfamiliar with the story of Fred Urquart and I was delighted to have a chance to tell them.

     Heather has heard it before and was anxious for that perfect shot.

     The garden retained a certain appeal even during the winter when all is brown and lifeless.

     Hoar frost added its own sparkle to the brilliance of the morning.

Grindstone Creek, Hamilton, ON

     Dave worked his magic again almost immediately with this first class shot of a Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa).

     The little bird is barely bigger than a hummingbird, and if you would like a fuller understanding of the way it survives our cold winters see Winter World by Bernd Heinrich, chapter 8, The Kinglet's Feathers.
     I am not sure whether one of our group had dispersed sunflower seed along a rock, or whether other people had done so, but it was a magnet as you might expect.
     Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), both male and female, were happy to partake of the buffet.

     It was no surprise to see a bold little American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) muscle his way onto the table, driving off all competitors.

     Most White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) leave here for the winter months, but there are increasingly more frequent scattered reports of this species remaining in its breeding area. We were delighted to see this one.

    The water was frozen so the anticipated Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) did not materialize at this location, but we all chatted amiably, wandered around, cajoled chickadees to land on our hands, and generally had a good time. 
    We were strung out as we meandered back to our vehicles, but finally we all joined up again and headed to our next stop on this intrepid day of birding.

LaSalle Park and Marina, Burlington, ON

     The wind was keen coming across the bay, but there was too much action on the water for it to matter at all. 
     Large numbers of Canvasbacks (Athya valsinaria) have settled in for the winter and it was a pleasure to see so many of them dozing (and just 'hanging out') in between bouts of feeding.

     A few Ruddy Ducks (Oxyura jamaicensis) were  interspersed with the other waterfowl, none of them positioned well for a photograph, but this female was a little closer than most.

     Overhead, a small squadron of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) was awe-inspiring to say the least.

     It reminded me that there was a time when the word "awesome" actually meant something. Now an item as trivial as your milkshake is deemed awesome. I understand that language evolves, but at times it degenerates too.
      A few Gadwalls (Mareca strepera) punctuated the flocks of Canada Geese and Canvasbacks, but mostly they were far out, partly hidden by larger birds, or shimmering in bright sunlight - or all of the above.
Dave managed this picture.

     Miriam got this nice shot of a male.

     This is THE place to see American Coot (Fulica americana) in winter and again we call on Dave for a couple of very agreeable shots.

     The ice against the shore was starting to build up, and as long as the weather remains cold it will expand outward into the lake. 

     There were a few Redheads (Ayhtya americana) in among the flocks, sometimes hard to pick out, and Miriam did well to get this picture.

     Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) was present in small numbers and Dave's camera captured this handsome male against the seawall.

     A Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) cruised overhead.

Photo - Dave Collins

     There were other species out on the water, too far for photography, but certainly stimulating much discussion about waterfowl. 
     Lisa and I were focused on a duck that looked ostensibly like a Redhead, but there were aspects of it that were not "right." Later we learned that an odd hybrid believed to be a cross between a Redhead and a Canvasback had been seen earlier in the week. We suspect this is the bird we saw.
     It was time for lunch. Even though in cold weather we often eat outdoors, the wind was a little too biting to entertain that possibility and we ate in the car. Betty Brechun had carpooled with us and she brought delicious homemade ginger cookies, and dispensed them liberally. I will insist that she ride with us forever more!
     Just to prove that we never grow up, nor should we, the inner child was in full operative mode as the sheer delight of feeding wild birds was irresistible. No comment is required.

     The feathers of this Canada Goose are frayed and worn. Spring moult will be a welcome event.

     How about a closeup?

     A pair of American Black Ducks (Anas rubipres) swam daintily just offshore.

     It is hard not to be continually impressed by the sheer majesty of a Trumpeter Swan.

     As we walked along Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) skittered in front of us.

     A female Hooded Merganser is perhaps ready for a visit to the salon!

     The predominant gull was far and away Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) but we did see a couple of American Herring Gulls (Larus smithsonianus) too.

     Although the temperature overall was quite pleasant, the wind remained cruel and a head tucked under the wing seemed like a sensible thing to do.

     Just as we were leaving an adult Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucephalus) soared overhead and Miriam quickly hopped out of the car and managed to get a picture.

Paletta Park, Burlington, ON

     This is always a popular spot, especially for the ladies, for there are warm, comfortable, fully-supplied washrooms - highly desirable on a cold, windy winter's day when using Nature's Bathroom is distinctly unappealing.
     There was not much to see from a birding perspective, but we were happy to be welcomed by an American Crow (Corvus brachyrynchos).

     A Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) was at the water's edge.

     There were large rafts of ducks way out across the lake, too far to identify them, let alone take pictures.

     Ice has a unique beauty all its own, sometimes harsh, but never dull.

A Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) entertained us for a while; in fact, it was the only woodpecker of the day.

Bronte Harbour, Oakville, ON

     Canada Geese were resting on the ice.

     Miriam's eye was drawn to this grate and felt compelled to take a picture.

     I am glad she did. It's intricate for a utilitarian object, isn't it?
     The most exciting moment of the day, perhaps of the whole year, was the discovery of an Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) on the harbour side of the breakwater.

     I think it was Tina who first spotted it, and we had but a minute at the most before it dived and did not reappear. I suspect it may have moved out into the open water of Lake Ontario. It dives efficiently and can travel some distance underwater. 
     This diminutive auk (family Alcidae) is a pelagic species normally found off the west coast of North America, through the Aleutian chain to eastern Siberia. It is an incredible rarity on the Great Lakes. How it found its way here is anyone's guess.
     Ironically, I have only seen this species once before, in Port Weller, ON about thirty years ago. I have taken pelagic trips from the west coast and have scanned the ocean off Vancouver Island, but Ancient Murrelet has eluded me in the places where one might expect to find it.
     There is no reference in the literature, at least none that I can find, that indicates that this species exhibits a proclivity for overland migration to large bodies of freshwater, so I am unable to offer any rational explanation for its presence here.
     It was an incredibly satisfying discovery and one that left us all elated.
     A female Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) seemed very pedestrian by contrast!

     We were delighted to discover a Common Loon (Gavia immer), not unheard of on Lake Ontario in winter, but far from common.

     Don and Nasreen, upon first meeting before we all carpooled to set off, expressed the desire to see Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis). We had not seen this species at any of our other likely spots, so we were delighted when we were able to satisfy their wishes.

Long-tailed Duck ♂

Long-tailed Duck ♀

     Common Mergansers and Mallards favoured a sheltered area between the outer breakwater and the harbour.

     A few Double-crested Cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) tough it out on Lake Ontario, plentiful food no doubt being a factor in their decision not to migrate.

     A striking male Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) was very pleasing.

     It was time to bid everyone farewell. It been a fine day of birding indeed, punctuated emphatically by the Ancient Murrelet.
     Thanks to everyone who joined us to contribute to the common joy of naturalists doing what they do best.
     Christina had hitched a ride with us from Waterloo and when we dropped her off Miriam noticed the commanding presence of the moon.

     Upon doing a little research we discovered that this moon appears full on 14, 15 and 16 December. It is quite unusual and was referred to by the Mohawks as the Cold Moon, since it marks the days when the weather is getting colder. It is also referred to as the Christmas Moon or the Long Night Moon.

     It seemed like an auspicious end to a wonderful day.


Auks: An Ornithologists Guide, Ron Freethy, Facts on File, Inc. (1987)
The Auks, Anthony J. Gaston and Ian L. Jones, Oxford University Press (1998)
David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. ...David, you assembled quite a gang!

  2. What a lot of beautiful birds and great photos of them! :)

  3. Wow, what a fantastic day you had, but I think I wouldn't have got out of bed eith those minus degrees, brrrrr! The black and white birds are my fave, I haven't seem them before. And great to see you feeding the white geese, pigeons etc Have a great week, hugs! xxxxxxxxxx

  4. Lots of super photos here David. So nice to see all those smiling faces in your birding group, and of course I loved all your amazing photos of the birds. Three photos stood out for me today, the goose with its wing outstretched, the pattern of ice and Miriams grate photo. I enjoy seeing the patterns in the ordinary that make them extraordinary. I will be back to check all the birds out again. Always fun to visit, thank you!

  5. I like the framing of the two photos of the white-throated sparrow and the red squirrel.
    Great report of such a great day's birding and beautiful view of those special corner of Ontario!

  6. You are right. I do wish (so much) I could have been there. Huge thanks for sharing the wonders and the delights of the day.

  7. Another great outing with lots of birding fans. Great shots of all the birds, looks like you al had a great time and wonderful sightings.

  8. Hari Om
    What a wonderful array of avian life on display! The Murrelet a definite extra-special, though 🤗 YAM xx

  9. An amazing variety of birds! I'm glad you were able to see more unusual birds. It's always exciting to see something rare.
    love the moon shots too!

    1. There were other species too. We couldn’t get a photograph of everything.

  10. Awesome post, David! (Grin - sorry, I had to say this)
    The photos in your posts - whether by Miriam or Dave or some other talented photographer among your friends - are always such a pleasure to see and study. The Hooded Merganser is such a delightful little chap, I'm glad that you posted so many pictures. Why are the Trumpeter Swans tagged (I don't know the correct term for this)? Is there some counting going on or scientific research? I've read somewhere - and this is years ago - that the swans in England (maybe Britain?) are property of the Queen, and nowadays the King, I assume - is this the case in Canada as well since Charles III is Canada's head of state? No matter what, they are very majestic birds. What wonderful luck that you saw the Ancient Murrelet - I can completely understand that this was a very special discovery. A very short moment in time, but probably forever in your memory. I also very much swooned over the photos of ice. Thank you for taking us on this tour, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hugs - Carola

    1. I have a very big stick with which to beat you, Carola, and that will be awesome! The large tags on the wings of the Trumpeter Swans are so that the numbers can be seen in flight. They look cumbersome, but in fact have been shown not to impair the functions of the geese. You are correct about the Mute Swans in Britain being the property of the Crown, but not here in Canada. Hugs - David

    2. That should read “ the function of the swans.”

    3. Glad I read that... I was going to ask you if the Crown owned the swans in Canada.

    4. Thank you for your answer, David. And put away that stick!

  11. What a great selection of avians. The ducks are always a favourite! The cardinals are such handsome birds. Feeding the birds is always a treat. Some beauties there. The biggest we’ve ever fed at ducks.

  12. I must forgive you for all the pictures, David! It is wonderful to see so many ducks and geese.
    The Lophodytes cucullatus is incredibly beautiful. It must be very interesting to be with you on such an excursion. Hugs and kisses, Marit

    1. They are beautiful and incredibly interesting to observe too, Marit.

    2. That certainly was a wonderful day! I love all the photos you have published. So good seeing the birds up close to see the details. Unfortunately I don't have access to a fancy camera so I will rely on your photographs.

  13. You had an adventure! Now, do you charge people for this tours?
    I spotted some mergansers at my client's house last week. I wasn't able to go look at them. It is lovely seeing them.

  14. A wonderful bird survey, especially ducks.

  15. Wow, that was a big group. And you always get a big variety of ducks. I usually see those hooded mergansers, and that seems to be about it. Well Canada geese too. But of course much of what I see is on the ocean because it's been cold enough for freshwater bodies to start to freeze. And I get how those ladies feel having places to use bathrooms in the cold. Hope you're having a nice new week.

  16. Ohhhh guauuu, what an auspicious day it was! the serenity and winter beauty left me speechless.. the butterflies, the frost, the wind ,,the swans... it's a kind of fairy tale. You r wrapped in a dream, you birdwatching group. I toast to your attentive eyes and exploring spirit.
    Thank you for sharing so much wonder with us, dear David!

    Summer will soon begin here but it's still a bit cool, maybe the heat will come in january and we'll all melt and then we'll be one with the asphalt 😊

    Warm hugs from the south

  17. My oh my, that's cold but then yesterday we had 30 deg C, today a bit cooler.
    Gorgeous photos and the antics of the digs did make me smile.
    Beautiful the male and female Northern Cardinal as always.
    Those white swans, amazing and so wonderful for me to see.
    It's good that you have a hobby that takes you outdoors in winter to see what birds are about in your area.
    Take care.

    1. It’s more than a hobby, Margaret. It’s the very essence of my life.

  18. What an amazing day out in the nature! Those ducks are so cute.

  19. Uskomattoman upea linturetki! Kiitos, kun jaoit sen kanssamme. Sinulle ja Miriamille kiitos kuvista. Oli niitä ilo katsella. Minulle tuttujakin lintuja näkyi kuvista.

    1. Yes, some of these birds are common to our different northern realms, and others have allied species in Europe.

  20. What a fantastic day you had David.
    But it is so cold where you are, here it is much too warm for the time of year, it is now 10 degrees Celsius here and later this week they expect 13 degrees Celsius, really not normal anymore I think.
    You were able to photograph beautiful bird species, I think the trumpeter swan is really beautiful.
    Greetings Irma

  21. Courageous group of people with a passion for birds and not afraid of the cold to take those gorgeous photos !
    Have a cozy day ;)

  22. WOW, Awesome photos. The swans look tame and used to being hand fed.
    I have always loved the Hooded Mergansers and the Long-tailed Ducks. The Golden-crowned Kinglet is a lovely capture. Great outing and post. Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. I would hesitate to call the swans tame, but they are habituated to people and know that food is generally available.

  23. I almost stopped reading to shiver when I saw the temps you were out in. wow. the words you used, veritable benchmark of enchantment, are the best description ever for these amazing to me ducks. the photos are incredible and the ducks are just spectacular, I loved them so much that when I reached the End of the post, I went back for a second look at those photos. the goose is giving a standing ovation and so am I.
    even the photos of the water they are swimming in are gorgeous and I wonder why at that temp the water is not frozen. I can feel the joy of all the people who went with you just seeing the photos.. can only imagine how it would feel to see them with my own eyes
    that cold moon has had our back yard at night, like it is daylight.

    1. I am very pleased that this report gave you so much pleasure, Sandra.

  24. I can see from the photos that it is cold. Which is really conveyed in the photos. Lots of beautiful birds.

  25. Buenas fotofrafías de grupo y de preciosos animales. Se ve que tiene que hacer mucho frío, por lo abrigados que están todos los componentes del grupo.
    Que tengas un excelente día.

  26. Interesting array of wild life here. But, too cold for me. I was in Toronto for a week in December 1973 and there was snow everywhere. Then, I spent 6 days in Vancouver, BC in March 1994, and there was still snow on the ground, although not as much. I belong in sunny, warm Hawaii.

    1. To each her own. You couldn’t pay me to live in Hawaii.

  27. Wow, what a variety of birds. I learned a lot from this post. Thank you for your birthday greetings this morning.

    1. The best reward of all is when people say they learned from one of my posts.

  28. David, What a delightful post. All I can say is, I wish I could have been there. 😊 John

  29. What a wonderful series of pictures of birds and their enthusiasts. the photos are incredible and you captured many rare ones too. A hugely successful outing.

  30. Quite cold weather. Friendly birds.

  31. What a delightful day you had! Nice and cold, beautiful scenery and birds, excellent company, and homemade cookies! Pretty excellent all around! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  32. Good afternoon, David! Once more you have posted amazing photos of wonderful birds... and other fascinating things too, like the ice. To me, it looks surprising that the temperatures are so low but there's no snow yet.

  33. Wonderful outing to the lake. I like very much the Hooded Merganser

  34. I assure you David that your reports are truly awesome (Genial in Spanish).
    Both your photos and Miriam's are very artistic. The ducks in the canal, the ice and the fence are magnificent.
    Un abrazo David

  35. A beautiful variety of birds and I enjoyed seeing everyone feeding them. Not something I have ever been able to do!

  36. Hi David,
    Once again an interesting report of your adventures in nature. What an impressing number of birds you show us here. The hooded mergansers are absolutely the stars of the day. What a pity that they don't show up with us. What a horrible sight to see the numbered swans. There has to be another way to follow and recognize them. One thing is for sure: all participants had a great day.
    Merry Christmas, Kees

    1. I too would prefer to see something other than those large tags, Kees, but they seem to be the most effective methods of tagging the birds, and don’t impair flight in any way.

  37. Great photos David. A good time for sure. I like to hand feed the swans, geese and ducks but never have been able to feed smaller birds. You are all wrapped up warm for the weather. Our weather has been very mild for this time of year, 10C!

  38. Hello David :)
    What a fantastic day out with your friends and fellow naturalists. I enjoyed reading all about it, and seeing all the various wild fowl photos and also the smaller birds, all perfectly lovely sightings I particularly enjoyed seeing the Golden crowned Kinglet, White throated Sparrow, and male and female Cardinals The Hooded Merganser is a beautiful duck, it's striking markings really stand out in Dave Collins excellent photos, I am happy that you got to see so many ducks both common,and uncommon sightings.
    Thank you for including the info about Winter World. I made a note of it.
    Hugs and kisses

  39. I don't know where to start this one. It just keeps getting better the further I read. ... Such a plentiful variety of birds..Wonderful pictures. Your yard birds are the same as mine. Love the ducks.. I have never seen a long tailed duck... It looks as though you had a beautiful cold, crisp day. Everyone seems appropriately dressed.
    Our warm weather is coming to an end. We will be in the teens over the weekend but I think we're going back up in the 40s again next week. Hard to know how to dress these days so I don't ; )
    Thanks for this interesting post. Always informative... I usually learn something and they always peak my curiosity. xxoo

  40. There was quite a gathering of you for this wonderful days outing.
    Lovely sightings and brilliant photographs.

    All the best Jan

  41. Hello David,
    the group is getting bigger every time, the good thing is that no highlight goes unnoticed, everyone sees something and great photos are taken, brilliant report of a lovely winter trip..
    Greetings Frank

  42. Hi David.

    You had a nice walk.
    Lots to see and very nice species of birds and ducks.

    Nice series.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  43. Un reportaje maravilloso con unas fotos extraordinarias, me han gustado mucho todas. Enhorabuena por el avistamiento del Synthliboramphus antiquus!!!! David te deseo junto a tú familia una feliz Navidad y todo lo mejor para el 2025, lleno de aves y Naturaleza. Un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.

  44. You're right about those photos (what a perfect day for shooting!) but of them all I am so entranced by those Mergansers. They are the most incredibly beautiful birds! Thanks for sharing them all!

    1. It is a memorable experience to see them "performing" like that.

  45. Un gusto llegar aquí y leerte David. Gracias por compartir y enseñarnos lo que no vemos por donde vivimos. A seguir así amigo.
    Os deseo una Buena Navidad. Felices fiestas.
    Un abrazo.

  46. What a crowd, and what a successful outing! Such a variety of waterfowl boggles my mind. I recently joined a West Virginia birding page on Facebook, and was surprised that loons have been spotted here. I always thought of them as birds of the north. Also photographed here were those hooded mergansers. What striking birds.

  47. Wow what a day and I so enjoyed this outing sitting in my chair with the heater on! I think I would have curled up and died at 14,5 C my African blood has never thickened up!! My favourite has to be the Golden-crowned Kinglet, they are so cute, similar to our Goldcrest of which I have only ever seen one in our garden here.
    Happy Holidays and have a wonderful Christmas. Cheers, bisous mon ami, Diane

  48. Maravilloso paseo, y sí, me quedo con ganas de estar con vosotros, me habría encantado estar. Abrazos.

  49. I really enjoyed your post. So refreshing, something different than Christmas, haha. I think the swans are beautiful, but the most beautiful are those first waterfowl. I don't think we have them here in the Netherlands, but I should check. Thank you! for you r nice post.

    1. Unfortunately, Hooded Merganser is not found in The Netherlands, Aritha. As you see it is a beautiful little duck.

  50. Lovely post, David.
    The hooded merganser are looking very cute. Especially at image 10.
    I admire you all, staying out so long on a cold and very windy day. But you saw an awful lot of birds.

    Best regards, Corrie

  51. Querido David siempre que algo me deja con los ojos como platos exclamo impresionante, así que lo siento jajaja. Sería capaz de levantarme a las 7 y antes e incluso de congelarme por poder disfrutar de vuestra compañía y de tanta cantidad de hermosas aves, es increíbles poder ver tanta cantidad. Las fotos son espectaculares, muy muy bonitas. Muchas gracias por compartirlo. Besos y abrazos para ti y para Miriam.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
