Friday, June 16, 2023

A Gift from Ludmila

      There are many satisfactions to be gained from blogging, not the least of which is that new friends are made in every corner of the world. These are people that a few short years ago it would have been impossible to know, let alone develop connections with, and embellish each other's lives.
     If we are really fortunate we meet some of our blogging companions in person, and I have had that pleasure several times. Others we know only through their online presence, but they are no less friends, with all the richness that implies.
     So it has been with my good friend Ludmila in Poznan, Poland, a fellow naturalist, and a budding water-colourist, whose paintings improve each time she attempts a new species of bird. Indeed, she has developed a very deft hand. I have on more than one occasion offered a few words of encouragement to her and expressed my admiration of her vignettes.
     What a splendid surprise, therefore, when I received in the mail a few days ago three original works from Ludmila, of North American species, based on images from my blog.  

     I was absolutely thrilled, and so was Miriam. After all, it was Miriam's photographs that served as Ludmila's inspiration for these pictures.

White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinenis)

Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) ♀ 

American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

     All that remains now is to have them framed and displayed in my office where I will see them every day - cherished works from a cherished friend.
     Thank you again, Ludmila.
David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. What truly beautiful creations and gifts. I am in awe at the richness of the friendships we develop here in the blogosphere. It has been an unexpected and huge benefit for me.
    Thank you for sharing Ludmillla's skill, talent and generosity.

  2. Un precioso regalo, me parecen preciosos tanto como nuestras amistades de los blog. Os espero en España para comer un buen queso, aceitunas y beber un buen vino. Sería un placer para mí recibiros. Abrazos de una buena amiga.

    1. If ever I get a chance to visit Spain again, Teresa, you will be the first to know and I will be delighted to take you up on this wonderful, kind offer.

    2. Eso espero querido amigo.

  3. Your friend is a talented artist for sure!

    1. And it's so agreeable to have this personal connection, Marie. It makes it very special.

  4. Querido David es un regalo maravilloso, precioso trabajo. Es algo mágico como a través de un blog se puede conectar y coger tanto cariño a los amigos, es algo que me encanta. Un enorme abrazo para ti y para Míriam. Y felicitaciones para Ludmilla.

  5. Wow! She is very talented. What a wonderful surprise!!

  6. Hari OM
    The heart is truly lifted by such gifting... YAM xx

  7. A wonderful gift, and how did she pick our three most common birds?

    1. I am not sure, Joanne. Perhaps they suited her style of painting. A Black-capped Chickadee would have been another candidate, I suspect.

  8. Beautiful paintings. You are a lucky man, David.
    Hugs and kisses, Marit

  9. How wonderful, they do look good. Always a delight to receive such a gift of something you love looking at.

  10. How nice to receive such a gift.
    I think Ludmila has a lot of talent.
    I also really enjoy having so many blog friends from all over the world, some are also friends on my Facebook page, so they can see more photos of me because I post photos there much more often.
    It's so much different compared to the past, then you had to write letters or telephone to maintain contact, I really like it much more now.
    I wish you a very nice weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  11. I am very happy that you like my watercolors. I am constantly learning and looking for inspiration. You always supported me in my learning to paint, it motivated me. It's nice to paint something for someone who is sensitive to nature, climate, the beauty of nature. You are a role model for me, I would like to take a camera and binoculars like you in a few years and continue to observe birds and other animals. My gift is a small thank you for traveling with you through the blog, interesting reviews and lots of photos of Miriam caught on camera! Thank you!

  12. What a beautiful gift ! She's very talented !
    Have a lovely weekend !

  13. they are beautiful and Ludmila has no need for a camera, her paintings are picture perfect.

  14. I'm as thrilled to be able to access your blog again, and to be able to comment, as you must have been to receive these delightful gifts. I have no explanation for the change, but I'm grateful. I especially enjoyed seeing Ludmilla's portrayal of two of my favorite birds: the robin and the cardinal.

    1. Welcome back, Linda. It is lovely to see you again.

  15. What a lovely surprise! I'm particularly impressed by the slightly looser style of the American Robin painting.

    1. They have the habit of letting their wings "hang loose" at their side and she captured it well.

  16. Hello David,
    What a wonderful and beautiful gift. Your blogging friend Ludmila is very talented.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  17. Hi David.

    Great that you got this.
    Ludmila does indeed make beautiful drawings and paintings.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  18. Those are very good. I'd love to see what else hangs on your office walls.

  19. What a wonderful, thoughtful surprise...a wonderful gift. They are lovely. :)

    And, as you say, blogging has opened up a world of good friends from throughout the world. Take good care, David :)

  20. Your wife’s photos are indeed a marvel! It’s perfect that they are being recreated as watercolors
    best, mae at

  21. What a lovely gift. Your friend is quite a talented artist.

  22. What a nice surprise gift to receive. Ludmila is a very talent artist.

  23. Wonderful paintings from Ludmila, what a great present you got! Enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

  24. Que regalo más bonito, son unos dibujos espectaculares!!!

  25. These are amazing. You're lucky to have such a wonderful blog friend.

  26. Ha nacido con un gran don y eso se refleja en sus obras.
    Muy buen obsequio te ha hecho.

  27. Hi David - wonderful ... what a lovely surprise to receive from Ludmilla - they are gorgeous art works - while the peonies are so pretty - love those flowers (I hope they are peonies?!). Lucky you ... well excellent reflection on Miriam and her photos ... great talents together - cheers Hilary

    1. Peonies indeed, Hilary, and from our garden too.

  28. Very successful drawings. A real talent!

  29. Wow..she is not only "budding" , she has bloomed..Sort of discourages me from trying the Tree Swallow..She's very talented..Happy that she sent you the fruits of her labors..Perfect..Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I am sure you will do a great job with the Tree Swallow.

  30. She is very talented.
    What a wonderful surprise gift to receive.

    All the best Jan

  31. You are blessed with such friendships because you give to all of us in so many ways. Ludmilla is gifted with a talent that she so generously has shared with you. And isn't that what friendships are all about. It is about giving from the heart to those who have brought light and happiness into our lives. You are a deserving recipient and a friend to many ... and I am glad to be counted among those who so appreciate you.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  32. These cards are really lovely. And having a delft hand is exactly true. Having blogging friends around the world is definitely a pleasure too. I hope you're having a lovely weekend and thanks for sharing these beautifully done cards. hugs-Erika

  33. Watercolors are difficult, and Ludmilla has real skill and eyes.

  34. What a lovely gift!
    Your friend is very talented.

    Happy Sunday, David!

  35. Ludmila is quite good at painting. I love her exquisite paintings.

  36. What a generous and talented friend you have in Ludmila .

  37. Comparto la idea de que tener amigos blogueros es enriquecedor y si llegamos a conocernos en persona o a través de estas pequeñas muestras de cariño como la que has recibido de Ludmila la alegría es mayor.
    El trabajo de esos dibujos me ha gustado muchísimo, hay arte y mucha sensibilidad en ellos. ¡Te felicito, Ludmila!
    Mil besos y abrazos.

  38. Un trabajo exquisito y muy bien elaborado, aparte de afianzar esa mutua amistad tan gratamente reconocible por el mundo de la globosfera, aunque de todo existe, también se goza de esa buena amistad cuando realmente es recíproca y de buena fe.
    Un fuerte abrazo querido amigo y compadre David.

  39. How beautiful and what a thoughtful gift. I've made some of the best friends all over the world through my blog too. It's been amazing and the talent of my friends is amazing too. Enjoy your day!

  40. Congrats to Ludmila on her three watercolors of those NorthAmerica birds! You are right, David, as members of our blogging community we know only through their online blogs are no less friends.
    Thanks for sharing Ludmila's paintings!
    Enjoy the rest of this Sunday.

  41. Thanks for sharing, David, as Ludmilia is a talented artist who sent such wonderfully detailed paintings based on your blog bird photos, which are always such clear close-ups. I am sure you have both benefited from your blog exchanges. And, what you wrote in the intro to this post is so true as blog friends DO become friends whether we ever meet in person or not. And, that said, I also hope that one day we will meet both yourself and Miriam.

  42. Wonderful artist wishes!

  43. what a lovely surprise and gift.

  44. Bravo to the artist, you're lucky to have these beautiful paintings.

  45. These are fabulous watercolors, David. Ludmila is a true artist! For me it is fascinating how she captured the essence of the birds so that you immediately know what kind of bird it is. And she lives in Poznan - I visited Poznan in 1993 on my way to the town where my dad grew up. Poland is such a beautiful country. Back then there was so much untouched nature (at least in the areas where I was) and I felt like decades back in time. Oh, and I also like your beautiful pink peonies.

  46. I do know what you mean about blogging friends -- and their generosity. Ludmilla's work is beautiful -- I'd call her far more than a "budding" watercolorist. She's well beyond that! What a lovely and thoughtful gift.

  47. Wonderful gift, the watercolors are fantastic!

  48. What a thoughtful and wonderful gift! Non-bloggers just don't understand that real friendships do exist in the blogosphere!


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