Saturday, August 08, 2020

A Young Naturalist

      Yesterday was an exciting day. 

      Regular readers of my blog will remember Lily, Heather's baby, born seven weeks ago today. Due to COVID restrictions we had been unable to see this precious little girl, and that was about to be rectified. Heather had reached the point where she was comfortable outside so that we could get together, and at the same time she could renew her acquaintance with SpruceHaven which she had not visited this year, the site of many happy hours spent together banding birds. 

     It took a good deal of will not to hug them both, but we had a marvelous visit, all the while making sure to stay suitably apart.

     We had given strict instructions to the Green Herons (Butorides virescens) to present themselves, to give Lily an appropriate welcome to the world of the naturalist, and they responded accordingly!

     Lily had just arrived and was not looking too impressed just yet!

     Mom placed her in her car seat while she put on the child carrier so that she could "wear" Lily as we walked around.

     Are we all agreeing already that this is as adorable a baby as you have ever seen? And check out that hairdo!

     I am happy to report, that in commemoration of Lily's visit, the Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) revealed that they are feeding young in their nest. It was impossible to get a picture of the nestlings, but with binoculars we could clearly see them, mouths agape, waiting for the next food delivery.

     This is a major event for us - our first ever record of Cliff Swallow as a breeding species at SpruceHaven. It was a day to rejoice in youngsters both human and avian!

     With all this excitement Lily needed a nap.

     A male American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) made sure not to burst into song and disturb her sleep.

     As we meandered around there was much for Lily to see, in addition to enjoying warm sunshine, a gentle breeze and the comfort of mom's constant care and attention.  

    I wonder if she noticed a Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) on a Coneflower (Compositae spp)?

      I have no doubt that she paid careful attention to the hundreds of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) swooping and gliding over the Sanctuary Field feeding on myriad insects, and also perching on the tall vegetation.

     These swallows have evidently massed here from the surrounding area, for their number far exceeded our resident population. Furthermore there were numerous swallows in the barn, many still with second broods in the nest. The pictures above do not reveal the scope of the Barn Swallow occupation of the grassland, but it was an impressive sight. Post-breeding Barn Swallows are known to roost in cattail marshes at night and it begs the question as to whether the Sanctuary Field yields a similar refuge.

     SpruceHaven fledgling swallows are often content to line up along a pipe in the barn waiting for mom and dad to swoop by with food for them.

     Here is the evidence of many hours of perching by a lot of demanding young Barn Swallows!

     But enough of swallows and such. This is all about Lily.....well, Heather too! What a proud and happy mom she is!

     Take another look at Lily. How many facial expressions can one little girl have?

   I am still tired.

     So don't bug me!


     That feels better!

     What does the presence of this little angel tell us about the world she has entered? If the future she will experience, and that of children around the world just like her, is to be welcoming and secure, surely we need no more incentive to mend our ways and become active in an effort to remediate the damage we have caused to the environment. Now is the time to reject plastics, now is the time to evolve towards renewable energy and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture. And perhaps most significantly of all, to stop electing politicians whose very ethic is antithetical to environmental stewardship. We have had more than enough of foul-mouthed misogynists, base ignoramuses, men (they are always men) with no social conscience, truth deniers, warmongers and lap dogs of industry. When we elect our politicians let's think of Lily, her future and her happiness. We owe it to all the Lilies of the world.

     We love you, Lily!

David M. Gascoigne,
David M. Gascoigne,

I'm a life long birder. My interests are birds, nature, reading, books, outdoors, travel, food and wine.


  1. The swallows will return next year, if the man has not ruined their nest.

  2. Hello,

    So glad you could meet with Lily in person. You must be the youngest naturalist and birder I have ever seen. She is adorable. Love the Swallows and the Green Heron. Yes, we must think of the future for the younger generations. Great photos, have a happy day!

  3. Lily's cute hairdo and facial expressions are definitely worth contemplating!
    Sadly, I'm afraid she has come into a world which promises nothing good.
    Her mom looks happy, and I wish Lily to grow into a happy Mom too!

  4. Wonderful photos, David. The Swallows are so many. The butterfly is so pretty, and the coneflower too. But Lily is very beautiful! It's a terrifying world she will grow up in, and I fear for the future for all babies in the world...

  5. Beautiful post David!And Lilly she is just so sweet!I do hope and trust the world will be a better place for the young ones to grow up in.It starts at home and as I see and feel she have much wise and good people around her
    what can I say about the birds?Theyare all so wondeful!You are really great doing this birding stuff David!

    Wish you and family a great weekend!

  6. You managed a wonderful display for Lily's visit!

    Good news about the Cliff Swallows choosing to nest there.

    Lily's parents very likely have the same concerns as our parents and theirs. They will raise her with what they deem to be values they cherish as important. The world will continue to rotate, life will go forward and we shall all count on all the Lilys being born today to the best they can.

    Hope = Newborn

  7. Lily is beautiful and I do love the hairdo. Thanks for the walk through SpruceHaven - always a pleasure.

  8. I am far more sanguine than you and some of your readers about the future of our world. I hope to live long enough to see some of my hopes realized. In the meantime, we certainly are called to appreciate what we have, and seek to preserve it -- not to mention introducing even the youngest among us to its marvels. Anyone who thinks babies are 'too young' to be naturalists are wrong. I'm convinced that, just as a just-hatched duckling will imprint on its mother, we imprint on the world we're introduced to. Making sure it's an interesting and beautiful world is critical for our youngsters.

  9. What a cutie Lily is, she looks so sweet. She got her first introduction to SpruceHaven so now she can begin her training under her mother's wings. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hi Both,
    Such a little sweetheart, and love the mop of hair, I'm sure she is going to be greatly loved by all your bird group over the coming years, lets hope the world becomes a better place for all the young.
    You stay saFE,

  11. DEFINITELY a wonderful, wonderful day. And, like shoreacres above, I hope that appreciation of the natural world IS imprinted on Lily. And all the Lilys of our world.

    1. I would like to think it's true, Sue, but I doubt it. How often do you see different members of the same family go off in different directions?

    2. True, but the fundamental principles often remain. As I hope (fervently) they do for Lily.

    3. I am absolutely committed to helping Lily in any way that I can. As long as Heather and Shane feel that I can be a positive force I will be there. She has great parents, I can tell you that.

  12. Lily is a lucky little girl surrounded by so much goodwill and love. Her facial expressions are priceless and double-adorable! Lucky, too, to be fresh and young enough to possibly see a better re-imagining of our place in the world.

  13. What a gorgeous little girl. Lily’s life will certainly be very different than ours, but let’s hope she will be able to enjoy nature like we do.

  14. Lily looks a lot older than 7 weeks, a very mature young lady already. I too hope she will grow up with an appreciation of nature - especially with family friends like you and Miriam. I do so agree with your diatribe about politicians and the rest.

  15. Hi David! Wonderful birds and butterflies but nothing can compare with beautiful Lily. What a gorgeous little girl and I love her Elvis hairdo. All the best for Lily and Heather! Have a nice evening, hugs to you and Miriam, Valerie

  16. So true. Lily is adorable. I fear for our grandchildren and the world we are leaving the.

    The swallows at that site are doing well at least.

  17. What a wonderful day for all! Yes, Lily is an adoreable little angel, as is each and every precious bundle that arrives on earth. You have captured all her expressions beautifully. With her introduction to Spruce Haven's amazing nature and caring friends, her journey through life is off to a positive start.

  18. Qué bella bebé y que lindo evento, felicitaciones, hasta los pájaros le dieron la bienvenida. Un acto sumamente bello. Saludos desde El Blog de Boris Estebitan.

  19. What a beautiful baby, and we should clean the world for her.

  20. Buenas noches querido amigo David! what a wonderful post! what a beautiful thing she is, between butterflies and swallows in her eyes the world lights up, i am sure that for the beautiful baby Lily it will be the best of times, she will be the best friend of nature, it will be an age of play, the most fun and more wise too! you have had wonderful days ... and more will come! today's kids have so many options, but Lily will be a lover of birds and flowers very soon.
    Kisses and warm hugs to you, dear friends and to the precious lady & mother Heather
    love to all of you 😍👍 😊😊💐😍❀✿**✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

  21. All good new, we can all do with good news for once.
    What a darling little one.
    The swallows are wonderful to see and it's pleasing you could return to show us all.
    Thank you.

  22. There is still much to be grateful for in this world - and Lily is certainly one of them. May she have a wonderful life.

  23. What wonderful photos of birds and Lily. She has such wonderful hair and a lot of it as well. I do hope we can turn the world around for her. We have just been listening to a speech by the new Labour candidate for our city (our Elections are on September 19th). She sounded so very positive, it really gave us hope as long as both she and the Labour Party get in.

  24. What a delightful day! I share your hope that we can build a better world for the next generation.

  25. Preciosa entrada amigo David, Lily es una encantadora niña con esa bella sonrisa angelical. ¡¡Qué gran día!! Es y tiene que ser nuestro deber hasta que nos quede un ápice de nuestras fuerzas intentar denunciar y fomentar el cuidado por nuestra naturaleza y nuestro querido planeta, no podemos de ninguna manera dejar a estas criaturas un mundo inhabitable querido amigo, la lucha ha de ser constante sin bajar la guardia.
    Gracias por compartir esta adorable entrada de mama y su adorable Lily.
    Un fuerte abrazo querido amigo y compadre y mis felicidades para tan adorable pareja.

  26. What a beautiful little girl!

    Best wishes, Ida

  27. Thanks for sharing these photos of Lily, her parents, and the birds. We also have a similarly named family member, granddaughter Lilliana, who unfortunately we have not seen since December. Family visits are certainly to be cherished these days. You have captured some wonderful expressions, David. Your concerns for the welfare of the earth and its residents are well taken and bear repeating.

  28. You have brought me to my a good way (no political protest)...I am in awe of the sweet little newborn! Precious.

    Loved seeing the swallows & heron. Thanks for joining us at IRBB this week. Ps, thanks for correcting me on the plover ID (I knew that, just missed that day at birding class. Lol) my way of getting the two straight is Pale=Piping!

  29. I think Lily stole the show from the birds in your post. What a beautiful, sweet little girl. The joy her visit brought you certainly shines through in your writing. Nothing brings more hope for the future or inspires us more than ever to want to improve things than a young child. Hope you have a wonderful new week!

  30. Hi David.

    You show beautiful birds.
    But Lily really is the showpiece of your series.
    What a cutie and that super cute hair.
    This makes you happy.
    But this also makes me happy.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  31. Lily is just a precious,beautiful child! Darling! LOOK at that hair, too. What a blessing she will be to the family- Diana

  32. Yes! Let’s protect the environment and the beautiful natural world for all the Lilies and our little grandson to be born today or tomorrow to enjoy! Lily is so precious and I’m glad you finally got to see her in person. You caught so many cute expressions.

  33. Beautiful and varied images... Lily is very "guapa"...As we say in Spain ...

  34. Beautiful Lily, so much to learn about your world.

    1. And she will have many caring people to help her at every step of the way.

  35. Lily a beaucoup de cheveux!Elle est mignonne.
    Super pour les hirondelles, cela fait plaisir d'en voir autant.
    Bonne soirée

  36. Hi David, what a beautiful day, Lily is such a beautiful baby, so much dark hair. I like the photos of the barn swallows and herons. Greetings Caroline

  37. Olá David!
    Que passeio naturalista magnifico.
    A Lily é uma doçura de menina!
    Abraço esvoaçante!🍀💐🌈
    Megy Maia🌈

  38. Oh David, what a great post ...
    Wonderful wildlife and adorable Lily, she is so lovely.

    All the best Jan

  39. Hi David what a lovely post and how beautiful is your little Lily ,I can't get over how much hair she has ,she is so cute and I can see how very proud you are of her, Thankyou for sharing pics of your precious family and your beautiful birds ,stay safe and take care .

  40. Lily jest urocza! Piękna i radosna! I mama jest szczęśliwa.
    Gratuluję Green Herons! U nas w Polsce ich nie ma. Świetne zdjęcia jaskółek!

  41. what a wonderful day. Meeting new family members and pick up with the "old ones".
    In Sweden we have an old saying, translated it will be approx: "It must be bent early on that crooked shall become"
    Thought it suited your sweet little girl. Teach her early. I think her mother will apply.
    Take care, it is good to have the outdoors so be able to meet. I do the same over here in Sweden.

  42. Ah this is lovely, what wonderful hair Lily has and she's so lucky to know she's going to be brought up enjoying nature from the start!

    1. Her mother is a biologist so she will have lots of encouragement at home.

  43. She has grown the beautyful Lily. Great photos and her hair reminds me of the wild bush of hair my daughter had when she was a little baby. Her mom looks very happy too and great she and her daughter were again alowed to travel to come and vissit you. You look very proud!! Great to read the Barn Swallows did very well this season. Great to see the Clif Swallows also have young. I do hope they will return next season.
    Warm regards,

  44. Love the heron and the swallows. It seems Lily will grow up learning about the environment and loving all animals. Lucky young girl. Cheers Diane

    1. I can hardly wait until she is a little older and we can take for her first walks!

  45. Lily is a beautiful little girl.
    You took wonderful photos of her. Thank you for the photos of the swallows.
    Hugs and greetings.

  46. Great post. Hard to believe I had two that (more or less) looked like that about two weeks ago!!

    Hope all is well. Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. And H & P probably remember a dad without wrinkles too!

  47. Hi David – how wonderful to see Heather and Lily … to me she looks like she’s absorbing much … and working out how much space she must leave in her brain for all that’s heading her way. She looks a very happy soul … and I so agree with your thoughts … I sure hope some leaders can come into our world space and take us away from this shamozzle of the world’s leaders are taking us into.

    Excellent seeing the green herons … amazing birds … so pleased to read about the Cliff Swallows … again great photos … the breeze sounds gorgeous – heat, heat, heat – here!! Lots of barn swallows too … fledgling swallows … great to see them …

    Heather looks so well and happy … and Lily looks so special … she’s a sweetie … thanks so much for sharing with us … take care - Hilary

  48. Born just seven weeks ago? That is a large and bonny baby with a very fine head of hair. If she grows up surrounded by love and with a love of the natural world she will be a very lucky little girl.

    Lovely photos as always.

    1. I think she has every chance to be a very lucky little girl!

  49. Gracias por este reportaje, me ha encantado ver como Lily está creciendo y cada vez está más bonita. Besos y abrazos para todos.

  50. Lily is so cute :) I love her hairstyle :)

  51. My congratulations on little Lily, she looks like a beautiful doll!
    As you say, our duty is to provide a better world for our children and grandchildren.
    Many kisses.

  52. You have those herons well trained! Lily is a treasure -- so pretty and I love her hair! I'm glad she had her first bird outing with friends who will love her so much!

  53. hello David
    this is the future for the broken world
    I think it's time for a Lilyblog .. :-))
    The enthusiasm for the bird world was very restrained as you can see, but when the first camera is there ... then it starts
    Greetings Frank

  54. You are so right about the mess we have made of this world and what we are leaving for these children. I was watching my 10 month old grandson exploring his world the other day while his sister supervised and wondering just what the planet will be like once they are adults. I sincerely hope by then that the world will be in a better state than it is now.

  55. Swallow's nests look interesting.
    You've spent a lot of time watching birds.
    It's a great job.
    Hugs and greetings.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we are situated are the lands traditionally used by the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People. We also acknowledge the enduring presence and deep traditional knowledge, laws, and philosophies of the Indigenous Peoples with whom we share this land today. We are all treaty people with a responsibility to honour all our relations.
